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Solidarity builds for CUPE 3902
Solidarity is growing for campus strikers, from a labour rally today, student rally tomorrow and possible rally at Queen's Park
In minus twenty weather and on short notice, hundreds joined CUPE 3902 strikers at UofT to demand a fair contract...more
The World March of Women
On March 7 join International Women's Day in solidarity with the World March of Women
“We, women of the Quebec co-ordination of the World March of Women, issue a call to resist the social and...more
Capitalism and the family
Capitalism uses the nuclear family to justify paying women lower wages and nothing for domestic work
The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day March and Rally in Toronto is “Our Bodies. Our Territories. Our Communities.”...more
Halifax plot shows Harper's racist redefinition of terrorism
The Harper government has dismissed white racist terrorist as "misfits"
There's no doubt the that Valentine's Day plot to commit mass murder in a Halifax shopping mall would have been...more
Just transition: the social contract that can’t be ignored
A just transition is key to linking the labour and climate justice movements
“At BC’s carbon crossroads there is a choice to be made: dig deeper into fossil fuels through LNG or reduce...more
Legal victories for workers' rights
The Supreme Court decisions should be an encouragement, not a substitute, for rank-and-file mobilization
The first month and a half of 2015 saw the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) come down with two decisions...more
Northern food, northern hunger
With the government letting food companies profit from hunger, we need a campaign to win justice
You can eat nutritiously in the far North. If you’re a millionaire, that is. Chicken kiev perhaps? Chicken is a...more
Federal Court ruling ignored, Harper continues his racist agenda
Harper's cuts are cruel, unconstitutional, and scapegoat refugees for cuts to Medicare
While the Harper government increasingly uses words like “barbarism” and “ terrorism ” to justify provoke fear and manufacture scapegoats,...more
De quoi l’intégrisme est-il le nom?
« Intégrisme » est le mot qui cache le mieux l’islamophobie et la xénophobie
Dans les débats récents à l’Assemblée nationale et dans les médias québécois, on a beaucoup usé du terme « intégrisme...more
Walmart workers are winning, the struggle must continue
Strikes, walkouts and solidarity have won Walmart workers a raise
Workers in the US have won a significant victory in their struggle for dignity and a living wage. This week...more


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