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Striking home care workers suggest Wynne "chop from the top"
CCAC CEO's have given themselves massive pay hikes while home care workers are only asking for 1.4%
Friday February 6 marked the end of the first week on strike for nearly 3,000 Care Coordinators, members of the...more
Murdered and missing indigenous women: why?
On February 14 join the Women's Memorial March
February 14 marks the annual women’s memorial march for missing and murdered Indigenous women in cities across Canada and Quebec...more
Made of steel: Crown workers on strike for 17 months
After 17 months on strike, Crown workers are continuing to resist concessions and build solidarity
Since September of 2013, 120 steel workers from Crown Holdings local plant in Toronto have been on strike against Crown’s...more
Ableism, not assisted suicide, is what we need to work against
We have no reason to fear assisted suicide if we can overcome ableism within society and within ourselves.
The Supreme Court decision on assisted suicide brings up a lot of questions for Canadian disability activists, and some fear,...more
10 crimes of John Baird
From cutting welfare to killing Kyoto and defending war, Baird served the 1% for 20 years
Federal Conservative MP John Baird has unexpectedly left politics, perhaps for a high paying private sector job. While the media...more
Video: Islamophobia after Charlie Hebdo
Video of a public forum on Islamophobia after Charlie Hebdo
Video of a talk given February 3, 2015 in Toronto on "Islamophobia after Charlie Hebdo," discussing free speech, Islamophobia and imperialism.more
Election 2015: how do we strategically vote?
We need to reject the 1% at the ballot box, and build the movements outside Parliament
With a federal election in 2015, there are increasing debates about how to stop Harper, and as election day approaches...more
Corporate puppet Wynne: OPSEU workers say enough
OPSEU workers have a strong strike mandate against Liberal austerity
Ontario Public Service (OPS) workers, members of OPSEU, have said enough to Wynne’s attempt to cut wages, jobs and push...more
Fight for fifteen!
Fight for a $15 minimum wage
Activists in BC are fighting for a $15 an hour minimum wage
Following in the footsteps of a successful campaigns in Seattle and San Francisco to raise the minimum wage to a...more
It’s getting hot in here: 2014 was the warmest year on record
NASA map of average temperatures in 2014
2014 was the warmest year in 135 years of weather records.
It’s not news to anyone that the planet is heating up, but clear, quantifiable data can be hard to come...more


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