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Don’t let Paris tragedy produce more racism and war
The tragic shootings are building uncritical support for a racist magazine, and the growth of fascist parties
The warmongers and Islamophobes are using the tragic shooting in Paris to further their policies. Three gunmen stormed the offices...more
Year in review: 14 struggles of 2014
2014 was a year of global struggles against austerity, oppression, imperialism and climate chaos.
The year 2014 was a year of global struggles against austerity, oppression, imperialism and climate chaos. Here’s a sample, in...more
Challenging sexual assault on campus
The proposed solutions of individual responsibility, the state and institutional reform don't address the root of women's oppression
There has been a series of horrific media stories about frosh or sports chants that glorify rape, with a high...more
Celebrating the Christmas Truce of 1914
The centenary of the Christmas truce reminds us of the real roots of war, the potential resistance from rank-and-file soldiers, and the importance of an organized anti-war movement
Today marks 100 years since the Christmas truce of 1914—which is usually dismissed as a minor episode of the First...more
Democracy on its deathbed?
The 1% protects the increasing wealth gap by restricting democracy
There is an old saying: democracy ends at the factory gates. This sums up the fatal limitation of even the...more
Justice for Phuong Na Du
Phuong Na Du survived imperialist war but was killed by police for being an immigrant with mental health issues
Yesterady about 100 people attended a vigil at the corner of 41st and Knight to mark the place where Phuong...more
US-China climate deal: nothing new and not good enough
The deal takes no new steps to reduce emissions below the levels needed to prevent cataclysmic climate change
The US-China deal, announced on Nov 11th, has been lauded by many, including many progressives and environmentalists, as “ambitious”, “historic”,...more
Ozone recovery shows potential of regulation
Regulating corporations has led to an ozone recovery, but capitalism is incompatible with the environment
Each year NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) conduct studies to determine the health of the ozone...more
UN climate change report: climate change bad and getting worse
Capitalism is incapable of saving us from the climate chaos it has produced
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has published its fifth report on climate change and the results...more
Labour against violence against women
Unions can help, but need to do more, to challenge violence at work and domestic violence
At a recent meeting of the Assembly of First Nations, Rinelle Harper called on delegates to press for a national...more


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