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Hong Kong protests: pro-democracy means anti-capitalist
Protests in Hong Kong connect political and economic demands
Protests in Hong Kong began in September demanding greater democracy. But rather than simple demands for Western-style democracy, as they’ve...more
‘Yes means yes’ law challenges sexual assault on campus
California's new law challenges rape myths and rape culture on campus
There are crimes that are zealously prosecuted at great expense, even when there is no victim—like the “war on drugs”...more
Canada Post is about to impair disabled people
We need to save door-to-door delivery and stop Canada Post from sacrificing privacy and mobility for profits
Canada Post is about to begin phasing out door-to-door services across the country. Although many Canadians do not currently receive...more
OFL conflict: what's at stake?
The conflict threatens to undermine progressive leadership that opens up space to mobilize rank-and-file workers
Conflict has re-emerged within the leadership of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL). At a time when we need a...more
Interview: Turkish socialist on ISIS and Kobane
The West claims to support the Kurds but are silent towards their oppression from the Turkish state
Interview with Ozan Tekin from our sister organization DSIP in Turkey: The recent events in Kobane, ISIS, US airstrikes and...more
Iraq: an imperial history
For a century Western intervention in Iraq has brought nothing but wars and occupations
“Our armies do not come into your cities as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators.” So said British Lieutenant General...more
College faculty ratification vote a surprisingly low 61 per cent
An internal eduction campaign educated workers to help them challenge the contract
Following a “no” vote campaign that saw eleven out twenty-four college locals, members of OPSEU, call to turn down a...more
The October crisis: Pierre Trudeau and the suppression of civil liberties
In October 1970 Pierre Trudeau sent the army into Quebec to suppress civil liberties and the nationalist movement
“Every government in this country is well aware of the existence of deep and important social problems…there is available everywhere...more
Ebola: capitalism's latest epidemic
Ecological change, neoliberalism and austerity are spreading Ebola, BigPharma is ignoring it US imperialism is cynically using it
The Ebola virus is carried in fruit bats but can infect humans in close contact—causing fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding...more
Disability Pride: self-determination and solidarity
The fourth annual Toronto Disabilty Pride March exposed the Ontario Liberals and built unity in the struggle
“Ain’t no power like the power of the people ‘cause the power of the people don’t stop.” This was one...more


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