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CIA, torture and Canadian complicity
From transfering Afghan detainees to torture, to using solitary confinement as a weapon, Canada is complicit in torture
The CIA torture report gave us some definitive proof of what we already know: torture by the US in “black...more
Oil prices and climate justice
Falling oil prices undermine the tar sands, but are driven by fracking, imperial rivalry and economic crisis
All of a sudden the 1% are in a panic over the tar sands—not its toxins that poison Indigenous communities,...more
Kicking the can across Ontario
December 13 was a day of action at 56 beer stores across Ontario, in supporting of striking Crown workers
This past Saturday, the USW organized a province wide day of action in support of the 124 striking workers at...more
125,000 contre l’austerité
La manifestation fut une réussite et ce n'est que le début de notre lutte contre l'Austérité
Le 29 novembre, 125 000 personnes de tout âges se sont regroupés dans les rues de Montréal et de Québec...more
Mexico: mass protests against gangster capitalism
Armed by the US, Mexico's police also use gang violence against social movements
The false image of Mexico as a neoliberal success has been shattered. Mass protests against the mass murder of students...more
First Nations winning against tar sands pipelines
Convergence 2014 in Vancouver to stop Tar Sands pipelines
All this year, the First Nations in BC have led the fight to stop the pipelines.
This year has seen a tremendous showing of solidarity to stop the planned tar sands pipelines that, if built, will...more
Labour and the fight against austerity
With a sluggish response to brutal austerity, rank and file organizing is key
It has been six years since the global economic crisis of 2008, which produced bailouts and tax cuts for banks...more
Iraq War Resisters in peril
War resisters in! Harper out!
With a federal election looming as early as next spring, Stephen Harper's Conservatives have stepped up their drive to force...more
Victory on Burnaby Mountain
Victory  celebrations on Burnaby mountain
Protests lead by Tsleil-waututh First Nation and Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion (BROKE) have won a major victory against the tar sands pipelines.
Protests led by Tsleil-waututh First Nation and Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion (BROKE) have won a major victory against...more
A people's history of beer
To paraphrase the great dialectical philosopher, Homer J. Simpson, beer is the cause of, and the solution to, all of life's problems.
To paraphrase the great dialectical philosopher, Homer J. Simpson, beer is the cause of, and the solution to, all of...more


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