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Videos: Toronto pre-election activist assembly
Videos of the activist assembly challenging the Tory-Ford agenda
Videos include -Linda McQuaid (video below) - Hassan Yussuff , Canadian Labour Congress - John Cartwright , Toronto & York...more
Ottawa-Gatineau International Socialists Radical Reading Café
Activists in Ottawa-Gatineau are organizing monthly discussions of radical theory and practice
It was an interesting night in Ottawa for the International Socialists Radical Reading Café. Seven activists of diverse experience with...more
“United Against Terrorism” handbook exposes Islamophobia
Police opposition to the handbook show they are more interested in fueling Islamophobia on which war depends
On September 29, a group of Canadian Islamic associations, including the Islamic Social Services Association and the National Council of...more
BC First Nations serve eviction notices to mining companies
First Nations fight back against big polluters in BC mining disaster
On August 4 of this year, the dam holding the water of the tailings pond for Imperial Metals' Mount Polley...more
Public service workers and the fight to defend sick leave
We had to fight to win sick leave, and have to fight to defend it
On September 30, about 70 people crowded into a community centre meeting room in Ottawa to hear three speakers discuss...more
Seattle socialists show what's possible
Seattle city councillor and socialist Kshama Sawant shared her lessons in Vancouver
Seattle City Council member and socialist activist Dr. Kshama Sawant has been part of recent victories including a plan to...more
International Socialist Tendency statement on the new war in the Middle East
This is not a “humanitarian war”, but a war to maintain the domination of Western capitalism
The United States, heading a “coalition of the willing” embracing NATO states and Arab regimes, has launched a new war...more
Iraq War from Bush to Obama
The best way to help Iraq is to stop the war, support war resisters and welcome refugees
Today Canada’s Parliament votes to send troops and fighter jets to Iraq, and politicians and pundits insist Obama’s bombs are...more
CUPE Ontario prepares to take on Kathleen Wynne
An emergency meeting discussed the cuts, the elections, and the general strike
Some 350 delegates from CUPE Ontario locals—consisting primarily of local executive members—met in the Toronto Sheraton Centre on Oct 5...more
Peoples’ Social Forum: lessons from Alma, Quebec
Steelworkers in Alma showed how resistance and solidarity work
Recently at the People’s Social Forum in Ottawa thousands of young activists joined with trade unionists, environmentalists, and Indigenous peoples...more


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