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The rise and fall of Officer Friendly: the mean streets of criminal blues
While TV creates police fiction, footage of police reality tell a differentn story
In the wake of the execution of Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, Missouri, it has become clear that the...more
Protecting public education: Hold the line for as long as it takes
Class size is the most important bargaining issue for teachers, parents, students and all working people.
Holding the line for as long as it takes. This should be the disposition of not just teachers, but also...more
Bombing will not bring peace to Iraq
Obama and Harper are trying to rehabilitate the Iraq War and erase the memory of the anti-war movement
The US bombing campaign in Iraq is being touted as the latest humanitarian intervention in the region. What the US...more
Ferguson and the policing of capitalist society
Police brutality reflects the racist and unequal system they defend
Police in Ferguson, Missouri killed Michael Brown, a youth of colour who had his hands up saying “don’t shoot.” There...more
FNFTA: transparent hypocrisy and continued colonization
Harper is scapegoating First Nations to distract from corporate corruption
It’s hard to keep up with all the examples of Stephen Harper’s hypocrisy as well as his government’s continued colonization...more
Premiers fiddle with their hats while planet burns
Canada's Premiers fiddle with their hats
The most dramatic decision the premiers made at the 55th Annual Premiers’ Conference was to pose holding top hats for the final group photo.
The most dramatic decision the premiers made at the 55th Annual Premiers’ Conference was to pose holding top hats for...more
Five exhibits from the 2014 pensions heist
we need to find a way to rebuild a coordinated pensions campaign for all workers, inside and outside the unions.
Five important pension fights have erupted across the country in recent months. Employers, public and private, are once again going...more
Assessing labour's fight against austerity
The fall could see new fights against austerity if workers push their leaders to act
Going into Labour Day is always a good time to take stock of what state the working class of Canada...more
Book Review: The Reason I Jump
A 13-year old boy describes life with autism under capitalism
In a world where government policy regarding disability (and education for that matter) seems to be more about hollow words...more
Book review: Nazis, Capitalism and the Working Class
The Nazis were a counter-revolutionary wing of the ruling class, but could have been stopped
The Holocaust has quite rightly been referred to as the greatest single crime against humanity in history. The organized mass...more


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