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Raise wages not sea levels
The billions invested in oil and gas could create thousands of good climate jobs
On July 4, 400 Vancouverites gathered on sunset beach, joining communities across Canada in a nationwide day of protest to...more
Greek unions call strike to beat new austerity deal
Greek workers are organizing a general strike against Syriza's capitulation to austerity
Workers had an immediate response to the Greek government’s surrender to its creditors—meeting within hours to call a public sector...more
Vancouver elementary teachers rally against school board austerity
Electing different governments and trustees won't stop austerity, we need to build teacher/parent grassroots resistance
On Monday, June 29 after school had let out for the summer, most Vancouver teachers were taking a well-deserved break...more
Videos: March for Jobs, Justice and the Climate
Watch 10 of the speeches at the 10,000-strong climate justice march
On July 5 more than 10,000 people marched for Jobs, Justice and the Climate in Toronto. Below are videos of...more
Greece: no to the agreement
A rejection of the austerity proposals with strenghthen the struggle in Greece and internationally
/*--> */ 1. The victory of Syriza in the Greek general election of 25 January was a victory for the...more
Victims of capitalism
Harper's "Memorial to the victims of Communism" wastes money to rewrite history
Just about all that is worst in the Stephen Harper regime is about to be made concrete in Ottawa: the...more
Greece: concessions and resistance
Workers must organize independently should Syriza falter
As we go to press Greece faces a critical 24 hours as European leaders hold an emergency summit that they...more
Quebec, Islamophobia and austerity
First the PQ tired a racist "Values Charter" and now the Liberals have announced an Islamophobic "de-radicalization" plan
The death of former PQ Premier Jacques Parizeau renewed memories of his infamous comments on the night of the 1995...more
Pan Am be damned
If there's billions for the games, why not for social housing and public transit?
As the summer vacation readily approaches us, many of us are eagerly planning outings with our families and loved ones...more
Solidarity against precarity
In addition to deputations for the Changing Workplaces Review we need to keep mobilizing unionized and non-unionized workers, like the fight for $15
For many years activists in the trade unions have been fighting for their leadership to take on issues that relate...more


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