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Protecting public services in Saskatchewan
The "Own It!" campaign defends public services against the threats of privatization
A grassroots campaign, made up of labour and community groups, has come together in Saskatchewan, with a call for people...more
Bernie Sanders: a “socialist” candidate for a corporate party
While he's running for the Democrats, his campaign is building an audience for broader change
Amidst widespread anger against inequality, racism and a climate crisis, the self-described “socialist” Bernie Sanders is running for President of...more
Resistance follows betrayal in Greece
Syriza is pushing the austerity measures it was elected to oppose, but there's a growing split and more strikes
The glaring contradiction in Greece’s government is producing a political crisis. Left wing party Syriza was elected on an anti-austerity...more
20 years since Gustafsen Lake
Indigenous Sundancers resisted a smear campaign, RCMP repression and the NDP in power
Twenty years ago, Indigenous Sundancers stood their ground against the RCMP’s largest operation in Canada’s history, under an NDP government...more
Movements and elections, from Greece to Canada
Will the NDP reflect the movements for change that are driving them?
As we head into this federal election campaign there are some instructive lessons for activists and those on the left...more
What we wear: it's a woman's right to choose
Bare With Us protests expose capitalism's obsession with controlling women's bodies
Despite several decades since the women's liberation movement first raised the notion that women should have control over our bodies...more
Linda McQuaig is right: Leave the oil in the soil
The NDP should be a megaphone for the climate justice movement
“Oil has become the elephant in the room,” Linda McQuaig wrote in It’s the Crude, Dude: Greed, Gas, War and...more
A $15 federal minimum wage is an election issue. Here's why.
A $15 minimum wage for federal workers would apply to 135,000 people and encourage higher wages for other workers as well
There is a growing consensus across Canada -- and indeed across North America -- that all workers deserve at least...more
Leaders debate winner: the tar sands declares the winner of the Leaders Debate
It's the media's duty after a leadership debate to declare a winner, and here at we take our duties...more
Election 2015: how can we beat Harper?
We need to inject movement demands into the election to push the NDP to reflect them during and after the election
Harper has a clear strategy to win: use a long campaign to outspend the other parties, mobilize the Tory base...more


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