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Join the 5th annual Toronto Disability Pride March
On October 3 join disabled people and allies to celebrate the fight back against ableism
The fifth annual “ Toronto Disability Pride March ” is taking place on Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 1:00 pm...more
Solidarity against capitalist borders
Capitalist borders serve the 1% and divide the 99%
Recently Joe Daniel, a federal Tory candidate seeking re-election, had this warning for voters in his riding. He was referring...more
How low can they go
Martin Shkreli shows what the 1% will do to make killer profits
From the hysterical media attacks on newly elected British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to the #PigGate scandal; from the...more
Yemen’s civil war, and Harper’s complicity
The Canadian government arms and supports Saudi Arabia's bombing of Yemen
On March 22, 2015, the Yemeni Civil War began—fuelled by competing powers in the region: Iran and their supporters versus...more
Don’t let Liberals capture anti-Harper sentiment
Mulcair's rightward shift has let Trudeau pretend to be anti-austerity and rise in the polls
The start of the federal election saw the NDP in a clear lead, campaigning to raise the minimum wage, provide...more
Greek socialists statement on the elections
Nearly 10 per cent voted left of Syriza, showing the growing challenge to austerity
Statement by SEK (Socialist Workers Party), Greece, on the elections, the re-election of Syriza and the coming resistance to austerity...more
The Leap Manifesto demands are modest, but their implementation requires radical action
"This is our sacred duty to those this country harmed in the past, to those suffering needlessly in the present,...more
Is society moving towards 'post-capitalism'?
Paul Mason's version of "post-capitalism" sounds a lot like capitalism
In a widely-shared article in The Guardian , Paul Mason claims that the dream of the Left is dead, and...more
Revolutionary Teamsters
This well-written book gives a glimpse of workers power, and the importance of politics and organization
Like tectonic plates, radical politics and organized labour in the United States have often crashed into each other throughout history,...more
Take the climate justice leap
From global climate jobs conference to leap manifesto, the climate justice movement is growing
“No Jobs on a Dead Planet! Trade Union Climate Summit” was the name of the labour conference that took place...more


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