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Blair 'apology' for Iraq War
If even Blair can offer a half apology for the Iraq War, then soldiers refusing to fight in Iraq should not be punished
After years of stubbornly defending the illegal Iraq War, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair finally offered a half-apology. “I...more
The Liberals and the Charter: don’t deport Harkat to torture
Stop secret trials!
It is not a coincidence that Mohamed Harkat received his deportation papers in the middle of the federal election campaign...more
BC Liberals continue Harper's indifference to missing and murdered Indigenous women
Liberals deleted emails relating to missing and murdered Indigenous women
Stephen Harper may be gone but his callous disregard for missing and murdered Indigenous Women lives on through Christy Clark’s...more
I am a Witness campaign for Indigenous children
This campaign supports the complaint made to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal about inequitable funding for child and family services in First Nation communities.
Cindy Blackstock of the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society helped to kick off Ryerson University’s Social Justice Week...more
Liberals and Indigenous rights: what next?
Mobilizations will be key to maintaining Liberal promises and fighting Liberal pipelines
Indigenous people were part of the jump in voter turnout that drove Harper from office and that defeated his Aboriginal...more
Voters reject Harper and demand change
The end to Harper, collapse of NDP and Liberal surge all reflect a desire to challenge austerity
After nearly a decade in power, Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada were voted out of office. Harper...more
Stephen Harper's election dung heap
Harper meeting with the Fords smells of desperation
If you told me two months ago that Stephen Harper would end his his quest for re-election in the gelatinous...more
Vote strategically: against Canada’s corporate coalition
Vote against the twin parties of corporate Canada at the ballot box, and build the movements outside Parliament after election day
With a few days to go in the federal election there are growing calls for “strategic voting”—based on a desire...more
Quebec's World March of Women in Outaouais
The World March of Women will culminate with 15,000 people mobilizing in Trois-Rivières tomorrow
Despite pouring rain, local supporters of the World March of Women in the Outaouais region came out to a community...more
Support Mohamed Harkat, stop secret trials
The fight for justice for Mohamed Harkat is the fight for justice for all
After 13 years of pure hell and continued injustice, the struggle continues for security certificate detainee and my husband Mohamed...more


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