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Stop the war, open the borders
Harper has blood on his hands, from his imperialism wars abroad and racist attacks on refugees at home
The image of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi, washed up on a beach in Aegean Sea may become a defining moment in...more
Greek elections: Parliament and the struggle
Syriza's austerity caused a split, and workers' resistance continues
Greece’s election looks set to produce a confrontation between a new coalition government trying to implement austerity and workers’ resistance...more
Book review: Unfinished Leninism
Unfinished Leninism is a manual for militants
Part of the reason why Unfinished Leninism is so compelling and addictive to read is the fact that this is...more
Video: how do we stop Harper?
Video of a recent Toronto public forum on the upcoming federal election
Activist Ritch Whyman discusses the upcoming federal election and strategic debates about how we can stop Harper.more
Stop Harper: stop the war
Harper's endless wars are killing abroad and cutting at home
The US led war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria isn’t going well. According to US defense officials the year-long...more
War resisters in the movies
These two documentaries show why we need to let war resisters stay, and make it an election issue
Want to see some excellent films about U.S. war resisters coming to Canada? On August 18, the Toronto chapter of...more
Lessons of the Crown strike
22 months on strike didn't stop concessions but it did build solidarity for struggles ahead
The Crown strike is over after 22 long months and the workers fought til the very last. Only two crossed...more
Greece: austerity and the Syriza split
Popular Unity has split from Syriza, but not yet from its strategy
Greece’s coalition government, led by the radical left party Syriza, has collapsed because it capitulated to bosses’ pressure to sign...more
Thin soup from the NDP kitchen
To beat Harper the NDP needs more Corbyn, less Blair
While Tom Mulcair’s NDP is holding on to its tenuous lead in the pre-election polls, their campaign is not exactly...more
Unist'ot'en Heals: pipeline resistance and decolonization
Support the Unist'ot'en camp to decolonize their territory
Oil giant Chevron is increasing their attempts to build the Pacific Trails Pipeline, with the backing of the RCMP. In...more


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