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Saskatoon unwelcomes Harper
On one days notice 200 people protested Harper's visit
Harper is known as a lot of things, but transparent is not one of them—so it came as no surprise...more
Toronto Disability Pride calls for ‘ramps, not bombs!’
The fifth annual march challenged austerity and oppression
Saturday October 3 was the fifth annual Toronto Disability Pride March . As the organizers explained, the march aimed to...more
Ankara bomb attacks: blood on Erdoğan’s hands
The Turkish state has creating a climate of repression against the left and the Kurdish community
Over a hundred are dead and scores more seriously injured after a bomb attack on a peace rally in the...more
Quebec is not to blame for the niqab debate
The Tories have whipped up Islamophobia and blamed Quebec, but there is resistance
The media and Tories fall over themselves pointing to the polls showing more than 80 per cent of people in...more
Activists protest 'barbaric cultural practices' hotline at Kellie Leitch's office
Women's groups and their supporters denounced Harper's racism and sexism
"Say it loud, say it clear, Muslim women welcome here!" was the chant that filled the sidewalk outside of Minister...more
Marxism and women's liberation
This book explains the origins of women's oppression, surveys struggles against it, and describes revolutionary transformation to end it
This book is a must read for feminists and socialists, and really for anyone who wants to understand—and more importantly,...more
First Nations and the federal election
There's an increase in Indigenous candidates and in struggles outside Parliament for Indigenous sovereignty
As a force for change, most people in so-called democracies like Canada look to political parties and elections as their...more
Stop racist carding
While politicians are trying to "reform" or "regulate" racism, Black Lives Matter activist and their allies are challenging it
Although, we often like to think of Canada as a paragon of inclusion and tolerance while scoffing at the US...more
A feminist work of terror and beauty
The Bloody Chamber, by Angela Carter
More than one spectre is haunting Europe
The Bloody Chamber And Other Stories: 75th-Anniversary Edition (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) By Angela Carter In case you were curious,...more
New TV show sides with the peasants
The Bastard Executioner
The Bastard Executioner shows Welsh resistance to British imperialism and their own ruling elite
Review of Bastard Executioner, on the FX network Kurt Sutter, who has previously made TV series such as The Shield...more


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