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Does capitalism need oppression?
To build unity against capitalism we need to fight every form of oppression
Theoretically, at least, it seems like the answer to this question might be no. The driving impetus underlying capitalism as...more
US continues war crimes in Afghanistan
The latest attack on a hospital in Afghanistan, and its justifications, gives a glimpse into years of US war crimes
A year ago US President Barack Obama announced that “our combat mission in Afghanistan is ending, and the longest war...more
On November 11 wear a white poppy instead
Wear a white poppy to remember the war resisters and revolutions that ended WWI, and to continue movements for peace and justice
Justin Trudeau’s first large public event will be Remembrance Day, and the politics that dominate that day match well with...more
Quebec students join public sector workers on strike and in the streets
Following mass workers demonstrations last month, tens of thousands of students took to the streets
On November 5, ASSÉ, the main student union behind Quebec’s “ Maple Spring ,”held a Quebec-wide student walkout and rally...more
Prescription for profits: the TPP and pharmaceuticals
The Trans-Pacific Partnership extends corporate control over medicine
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) must be seen for what it is: a corporate bill of rights. The investor-state dispute settlement...more
From Pierre to Justin Trudeau: challenging corporate Canada
Trudeau will be a sunnier version of Harper
The great American architect Frank Lloyd Wright got his start designing homes and public buildings in the Chicago suburb of...more
Syria: neither Washington nor Moscow
More bombs, just being dropped from different jets, will only deepen the crisis
Russia’s entry into the war in Syria has been hailed by many anti-imperialists as providing the antidote to US power...more
No honeymoon for the Liberals
From a November 5 sit-in to November 29 march, the climate justice movement is already putting pressure on the new Prime Minister
Now that there is a Liberal government in Ottawa the working class, social justice and climate movements must be relentless...more
SFU Students Stand in Solidarity with TSSU
Their working conditions are our learning conditions
Over the last two years Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU) at Simon Fraser University have fought a long tough battle...more
Does socialism kill ghosts?
Ghost by Sephiroth-Art
Does a socialist emphasis on materialism and a rejection of ignorant "superstition" require a move away from spooky tales of the past?
I've been possessed by a fascination with the British writer Susan Hill. She's the author of an ungodly number of...more


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