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Kill a worker, go to jail
Six years after workers fell to their deaths from a faulty platform, the project manager has been sent to jail
On Christmas Eve in 2009, at around 4:30pm, four workers died and one was seriously injured after the collapse of...more
Community to NEB Kinder Morgan Hearings: Permission DENIED
A people's injunction against the National Energy Board has exposed Trudeau's ongoing support for Harper's pipelines
Kicking off ten days of protests, climate activists served the National Energy Board yesterday at its Vancouver offices with a...more
Quebec against austerity: what’s next?
La lutte continue!
The Quebec Common Front was an alliance of 400,000 public sector workers across Quebec. It was allied with teachers in...more
Tell Trudeau: cancel Harper’s Saudi arms deal
Demand Trudeau cancel the arms deal and invest in good green jobs instead of bloody counter-revolution
Trudeau was elected by promising “real change,” including cancelling Harper’s fighter jet contracts and pulling Canada out of Harper’s war...more
Spanish elections: gains for the left
The two neoliberal parties are crumbling as Podemos made gains
General elections in the Spanish state December 20 brought increasing political instability, with the biggest gains made by the left...more
Legitimizing police violence: sanism, ableism and racism
Police violence relies on and reproduces discrimination against people of colour, people with disabilities and people with mental differences
A fundamental aspect of Canada’s creation, which also consistently maintains systems of sanist, ableist and racist oppression, is violence. Sanism...more
Anti-racist Western from Quentin Tarantino
Tarantino has spoken out against racist violence through his film and a recent rally speech
Tarantino’s new movie has many of the features that mark it with the typical Tarantino brand: the over-the-top violence, the...more
Indigenous perspectives on the inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women
Feature interview with Magen Cywink of the Whitefish River First Nation, and other Indigenous perspectives
On December 8, 2015, the Liberal government launched the planning phase of its inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women...more
War, what is it good for?
Capitalism = war
For someone who was born at the beginning of the new millennium all they will ever have known is a...more
Report back from Paris climate protests
The Paris climate protests strengthened labour/climate solidarity
I had the opportunity to attend the COP 21, the United Nations Conference on the climate, as part of a...more


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