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Year in review: top 10 struggles across Canada in 2015
The year 2015 included many inspiring struggles across the country. Here’s a sample of 10 campaigns and mobilizations that made...more
Corporate U takes the offensive
Corporations are taking over, from the Enbridge Centre for Corporate Sustainability, to the Manning Centre for Building Democracy
According to the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), a university is “a public institution dedicated to the advancement of...more
Labour against climate change
Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
Trade Unions for Energy Democracy is building a movement for a just transition to stop climate change
Something exciting happened at the UN COP21 climate conference in Paris in December. However, it wasn’t the COP21 conference itself;...more
Trumbo trivializes McCarthy terror
By choosing to focus on Trumbo, Hollywood minimizes the right-wing witch-hunts that destroyed thousands of lives
Revisiting the days of the McCarthy witch-hunt is relevant today. In the 1940s and 50s anti-communist hysteria fueled support for...more
After Paris: climate change or system change?
The climate accord is not historic, but the growing climate justice movement is
“Years from now, today may very well be the day our children look back to as the beginning of an...more
'Cowspiracy' isn't causing the climate crisis, capitalism is
Our food system isn't unsustainable because it includes animals, it's unsustainable because of capitalism
Cowspiracy shines a light on the carbon emissions of the animal agriculture industry, but its beam is so narrow that...more
UberXploited: behind the Toronto taxi wars
It's not Taxis vs Uber, it's workers against corporations and a complicit mayor
On Wednesday taxi drivers in Toronto took their battle against Uber to the streets. The protest was just the latest...more
Interview: inside Quebec’s struggle against austerity
Quebec activist Nora Loreto explains the growing resistance and lessons we can learn
You wouldn’t know it from the corporate media in English Canada, but Quebec is in the midst of a massive...more
Quebec teachers’ union marches in Gatineau
Teachers marched on the School Board to defend education
A crowd of red toques—the colour of the Fédération autonome de l'enseignement (FAE), representing 34,000 teachers in 800 primary and...more
Quebec general strike: “The most important strike since 1972”
On December 9 half a million workers across Quebec went on strike against austerity
On December 8, Jacques Letourneau, President of one of Quebec’s largest union federations, the CSN, said on Twitter: “Tomorrow’s general...more


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