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Liberal sleight of hand
Trudeau uses progressive rhetoric to continue conservative policies
The Liberal Party of Canada is adept at sleight of hand. Two recent announcements from Canada’s government cut that into...more
No consent, no pipelines
Trudeau can't keep his promise to respect First Nations and control global warming while promoting tar sands and Bill C-51
There is a contradiction at the heart of the Trudeau government. It has launched the long-overdue inquiry into missing and...more
Quebec’s fight against austerity: what’s next?
Despite the contradictions in the Common Front, it has organized workers against austerity and helped community resistance
Over the past few months, has covered the incredible standoff between every major public sector union in Quebec and...more
Contract faculty day of action
February 11 was a day of action to support contract faculty across Ontario
February 11 marked the first joint action of Ontario college union locals, part of OPSEU, and university faculty associations to...more
Dublin 1916: women and the Irish rising
This is the centenary of a rising that intertwined national liberation, women's liberation and workers struggles
“The Irish Republic is entitled to, and hereby claims, the allegiance of every Irishman and Irishwoman. The Republic guarantees religious...more
Zika virus and reproductive rights
Latin American governments are telling women to avoid pregnancy while refusing to provide abortion
The recent outbreak of the Zika virus in South America has brought to light conflicting policies around reproductive health, where...more
Women’s history: Franco-Ontario’s “Hatpin Girls”
This is the centenary of the battle to defend francophone education in Ontario
On February 22, Premier Kathleen Wynne issued a formal apology to the Franco-Ontarian community for a rule that virtually banned...more
International Women's Day
IWD fuses women's liberation with the fight against capitalism
As we rally and march in Toronto for this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) it is instructive to look back...more
Greenwash: Alberta’s ‘climate plan’
Carbon pricing and emissions caps are designed to expand tar sands
At the heart of the First Ministers’ climate framework is the Alberta Climate Leadership Plan, a plan which is being...more
Beyoncé and Kendrick: Radical in non-Radical places
Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar put Black liberation centre stage at the Super Bowl and Grammy's
Black Lives Matter took centre stage at two of the biggest entertainment events in the world this past month. Beyoncé...more


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