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Feel the Bern!
Sanders has created an audience for socialist politics that needs to continue beyond the primaries
On Saturday, February 20, Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders in the Nevada Democratic Caucus by a margin of five percentage...more
Hundreds rally against Uber on Parliament Hill
The so-called "sharing economy" replaces good jobs with precarious work
On February 2, Ottawa taxi drivers, members of Unifor Canada, rallied on Parliament Hill against ride-sharing company Uber. They were...more
Black Lives Matter is exposing racism at all levels of society, including in entertainment
The widely used and shared hashtag #OscarsSoWhite has served to highlight the fact that for the last two years there...more
Push Trudeau for climate jobs now
Instead of bailing out tar sands and Bombardier planes, Trudeau should invest in good green jobs for all
Coming out of the COP21 negotiations in Paris, Prime Minister Trudeau has promised billions in investment and infrastructure, but will...more
Claudia Jones: intersectional communist
Claudia Jones fused Black and women's liberation with working class struggle against capitalism
“I was deported from the USA because as a Black woman Communist of West Indian descent, I was a thorn...more
Troop trainers are combat troops:
stop Trudeau’s escalating war
More Western intervention is the problem, not the solution
The decision by the Trudeau liberals to remove Canadian CF-18s from the bombing campaigns in Iraq and Syria is welcome...more
Going Home Star: ballet recognizes Truth and Reconciliation
The dance, based on a story by Indigenous author Joseph Boyden, is about recovering from the ravages of residential schools.
One can’t help but admire the dedication, athletic beauty and technical skill of classical ballet and modern dancers. But to...more
Endangered fish, endangered humans
Capitalism is destroying the oceans on which we depend
The world has been at peak fish for almost 20 years now. As global catch rates have been increasing, stocks...more
Trudeau and tactics
Trudeau uses progressive rhetoric to mask Harper's ongoing policies, so we need a different approach to challenging him
In January Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to the stage at the World Economic Forum to state that he was...more
Capitalism and the fight against oppression
Challenging capitalism requires building solidarity against multiple forms of oppression
Capitalism is not just an economic order, it is a political order because class rule is always and everywhere about...more


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