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Clara Zetkin and women's liberation
Clara Zetkin fused women's liberation with worker's struggles
Clara Zetkin was a prominent feminist revolutionary leader, closely linked to the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the late...more
Panama papers, Canadian connections
Canada has created tax havens for the 1% while denying a haven for refugees
The leak of the Panama Papers have not only exposed specific greedy individuals, but the general way in which capitalism...more
NDP: join the leap!
The NDP can rebuild itself and support the movements by embracing the Leap Manifesto
In the lead up to the party’s convention, April 8-10 in Edmonton, more than a dozen riding associations have sent...more
Saskatchewan election: stop Brad Wall
Brad Wall is continuing Harper's agenda, but will the provincial NDP repeat the federal NDP's campaign mistakes?
While Harper is gone, his provincial equivalent continues to rule Saskatchewan. With Saskatchewan’s provincial election on April 4, Brad Wall...more
Black Lives Matter-Toronto confront Wynne and Tory
Activists hosted a vigil outside the Premier's home, and went to City Hall and the mayor's office
After nearly two weeks of an unprecedented tent city occupation outside Toronto police headquarters, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto...more
Mohamed Harkat: Let him stay
Tell the Trudeau government to stop Harper's policies of deporting people to torture
UN Convention refugee Mohamed Harkat, one of the Secret Trial Five arrested under Canada’s unjust Security Certificate process, continues to...more
Justice for Berta Cáceres
Berta Cáceres in 2015
Indigenous activists are being murdered in Honduras to gain access to their land
Berta Cáceres a founding member of National Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) and Nelson Garcia another...more
Is Trump fascist?
Trump is a bigoted billionaire running for a mainstream capitalist party, not organizing paramilitary street fighters
Is Donald Trump a fascist? This is a question I’ve heard quite frequently lately. As he continues to cruise towards...more
Aftermath of Quebec’s Common Front
The Common Front showed the potential of workers action, even if all the gains weren't realized
The Common Front of half a million Quebec public sector workers that coordinated negotiations and general strikes between health, education...more
The Easter Rising and the politics of James Connolly
James Connolly fused national liberation, women's liberation and workers' struggles
The Easter Rising of 1916 fused together national liberation, women’s liberation and workers’ struggles, as can be seen from the...more


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