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The real budget deficits
By refusing to tax corporations, Trudeau is using an artificial deficit to falsely claim he is spending lavishly on First Nations and the environment
While the Conservatives and corporate press is trying to create anxiety about the federal government’s financial deficit, the much bigger...more
Colonial courts kick Indigenous people off their land, while Trudeau does nothing
Hunger strikers and supporters defending Treaty 8 Nation lands
The BC Supreme Court issued an injunction to allow BC Hydro to remove protesters from the Site C construction site.
Despite appeals to Prime Minister Trudeau and to BC Premier Christy Clark to respect Indigenous rights and the needs of...more
Support Black Lives Matter-Toronto tent city
The tent city continues to challenge police killings and the city's cutting of Afrofest
On March 21, Toronto police turned the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on its head, violently attacking...more
Rallies across the country tell Trudeau to stop the war
March 19 was an international day of action against war and racism
On Saturday March 19th, approximately 100 people joined a picket on the sidewalk outside Liberal MP Christia Freeland's office near...more
El Salvador: the economic roots of violence
The media blame gangs to distract from capitalist policies that fuel violence
We drove out of San Salvador admiring the beauty of the sun rising over the mountains. The driver, Ponce, and...more
Uber shines on light on how capitalism thrives, and how it provokes opposition
If Bill Gates and Ayn Rand had a baby they would have named it Uber. I think Uber is the...more
The return of Liberal imperialism
The Liberals are a party of war
The Canadian media are enamored with the new Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan. He has been variously described as a “badass”...more
People’s Climate Assembly, Vancouver
While Trudeau met to discuss a climate strategy, activists called for real change
On March 3, Prime Minister Trudeau met with provincial and territorial leaders at the Vancouver Convention Centre to begin to...more
Trade Unionists for Bernie
The surge in support for Sanders shows a desire for an alternative
It has been fascinating watching the Sanders phenomenon in the United States. Hillary Clinton took 75 per cent of the...more
Tell Liberals: support US Iraq War resisters
A majority of people across Canada support war resisters, it's time for the government to let them stay
When mass demonstrations across Canada against the invasion of Iraq in 2003 kept Canada from participating in the illegal conflict,...more


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