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Saskatchewan: refugees in, Brad Wall out
People in Saskatchewan rallied against Brad Wall's racist attack on refugees
Last week was a particularly disgraceful and embarrassing one for Saskatchewan politicians and public figures, who used the Paris tragedy...more
Tell Justin Trudeau: climate action now
Join the November 29 climate demonstrations!
Much of the opposition that challenged Harper was from the Indigenous-led climate justice movement. If the Liberals campaign slogan “real...more
'Diversity' and the fight against racism
Fighting racism requires working class struggle, not corporate lip service to diversity
In her article in , “Diversity is for white people: The big lie behind a well-intended word,” Ellen Berrey...more
Keystone XL rejection: a victory for climate justice?
While Obama's rejection of Keystone was also motivated by US strategy, it was won through mobilization and adds pressure on Trudeau
Enormous praise should go out to the climate movement for putting pressure on the Obama administration to reject the Keystone...more
Quebec’s fight against austerity in education
Students, parents and teachers are uniting against austerity
Those who oppose austerity internationally are once again watching Quebec, with a new strike and protest movement unfolding this fall...more
Nipissing University Faculty strike
Students organized a sit-in to support their faculty
November 2, Nipissing university faculty in North Bay went on their first ever strike. The issues are fair compensation, meaningful...more
After Paris: no to racism and imperialist wars that breed horror
Those who died in Paris are themselves further victims of Western-backed wars and the reaction against them.
The appalling killings in Paris are horrific. Our sympathy is with the victims and their families and friends. But we...more
What will we strike for? Ontario Public Service ‘No’ campaign
Despite workers' resistance, trade union leaders settled for concessions,
After almost a year of bargaining, 34,000 OPSEU members who work directly for the government of Ontario ratified two contacts...more
Taking back Remembrance Day in Montreal
While the military tried to glorify past and present wars, the anti-war and anti-austerity movements took to the streets
November 11 doesn’t offer much to remember for Quebec. The famous “Vandoos,” the all-francophone 22nd regiment, was formed as a...more
The sewage dump of capitalism
Capitalism concentrates human waste, depleting the soil and polluting rivers
Less than a week into a mandate for real change, the federal Liberal Environment Minister granted permission for Montreal to...more


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