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Iran's nuclear deal: a hope for peace
Hardliners in the US, Israel and Iran continue to oppose the deal
After 12 years of standoff, Iran, the United States and other members of the P5+1 struck a historical deal on...more
Interview: working against colonialism in Vancouver
An interview with Scott Clark, a Salish activist in Vancouver and Executive Director of Aboriginal Life In Vancouver Enhancement
Bradley Hughes talked to Scott Clark, a Salish activist in Vancouver, who is the Executive Director of Aboriginal Life In...more
Reconciliation in action
ALIVE Logo by Lou-ann Ika’wega Neel
Using a place-based strategy, Aboriginals and other marginalized people in Vancouver are getting the services that colonialism has traditionally denied them
For the last five years in Vancouver, ALIVE (Aboriginal Life In Vancouver Enhancement) has been working with urban Aboriginal people...more
Egypt: the counter-revolution and the Islamists
Those who see the Muslim Brotherhood as the main enemy in Egypt are siding with the counter-revolution
Letter by the Revolutionary Socialists The latest statement by the Revolutionary Socialists “ On terrorism and closing the nation’s rank...more
For Indigenous nations to live, capitalism must die
This is a must-read book of Indigenous resurgence and Marxism
Twenty-five years since resistance at Kanesatake, and in the midst of Truth and Reconciliation recommendations and the ongoing Idle No...more
Justice for Andrew Loku! Justice for Jermaine Carby!
After another police murder, join the rally tomorrow to say Black Lives Matter!
“Every single day, Black bodies in this city face violence—whether it’s carding, whether it’s surveillance, whether it’s physical violence, whether...more
Interview: Haiti’s long struggle for freedom
Haitian socialist David Oxygène discusses the fight against imperialism and capitalism
To punish Haiti for its slave revolution and Black Republic won in 1804, imperialist powers have repeatedly invaded and occupied...more
A world of oil and fire
There's nothing natural about forest fires and oil spills
While the west coast burns and oil spills across indigenous territories, Canada is sending fighter jets to set Iraq and...more
Book review: Arms and the People
Revolutions need to win over the rank-and-file soldiers
With the organization of every protest, with every news story about gun control, with every instance of police repression, activists...more
Israel Kamakawiwoʻole and Hawaiian sovereignty
Though the Hawaiian singer is gone, his music continues to inspire the ongoing sovereignty movement
June 26 was the 18th anniversary of the death of Hawaiian singer Israel Kamakawiwoʻole. Though he’s best known for a...more


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