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The first 50 days of the PQ government
After responding to the pressure of the student movement, the PQ is already starting to show its true colours
October 25 marked the fiftieth day of the PQ government of Quebec. Out of the gate, Pauline Marois' minority PQ...more
Thousands rally to oppose pipelines in BC
On October 22, lead by several BC First Nations, close to 5,000 people came together to stop the planned Enbridge and Kinder Morgan pipelines.
On October 22, under the stewardship of several BC First Nations, close to 5,000 people from all over BC came...more
Lessons from Chicago's teacher's strike
A Chicago teacher reveals the rank-and-file strategy central to the strike's success
Deborah Pope, Chicago teacher and an organizer of the recent teachers strike, spoke in Toronto on October 11 to elementary...more
Dodo Harper abets 'oceans fertilization' crimes
If you thought climate change was bad, wait until you hear about the profit-driven "solutions"
A massive geo-engineering “experiment” in the Pacific west of Haida Gwaii encapsulates everything that is wrong with capitalism’s response to...more
The sad truth about Aboriginal post-secondary funding
It is time for the government to be held accountable for their promises.
As an aboriginal student, who works three part time jobs to pay her tuition fees and rent I often get...more
Workers threaten continued strike against Wal-Mart
Following historic strikes, Wal-Mart workers and supporters are planning boycotts, flash mobs and information pickets.
On October 4, the first ever strikes at Wal-Mart occured, as walkouts and marches were supported by 88 workers in...more
Sex-selection abortion: the latest anti-choice ploy
A sexist and racist decoy that provides a cover for the Tories and their austerity agenda.
While the Tories lost the vote on anti-choice Motion 312 , they used it as a launching pad for Motion...more
Blocking the tar sands in Texas: an eyewitness report
Elizabeth Clinton reports from East Texas on the impact of the Keystone XL pipeline, and the efforts to stop it from being constructed
Elizabeth Clinton reports from East Texas on the impact of the Keystone XL pipeline, and the efforts to stop it...more
Argo: a good film with bad timing
It behooves us to think more critically about the way this movie plays into the dominant narrative and the hands of those promoting it.
On November 4, 1979, amid the Iranian Revolution which overthrew that country’s US-backed absolute monarchy, a group of armed Islamist...more
Mounting problems behind Chavez's victory
Without Chávez controling these contradictions will require more and more repression, and the people will have to organize anew, independently of those in power.
On 7 October, Hugo Chávez was re-elected as Venezuelan president with 55.4 per cent of the vote. Opposition candidate Henrique...more


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