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Toronto-west needs good jobs not condos
The factories workers have vowed to fight the closure. The rest of the 99% should support them.
In late 2013 the 60-year-old Mr.Christie’s Bakery facility at Lake Shore West is set to close and by doing so...more
G.E. uranium processing out of our neighbourhood
Nuclear power is not safe and not green
Residents of Lansdowne-Davenport, on the west side of Toronto, were surprised to learn a few weeks ago that we have...more
Jordan: protests lead to revolution
Protests against austerity and lack of democracy are escalating into a revolution against imperialism
Thousands gathered in Amman on November 13 protesting against the raise in fuel prices. The protest that started peaceful ended with a civil disobedience the next day. Many trade unionists, workers and students announced a general strike.more
Bahraini students: the struggle against oppression
Students and workers continue their fight against Western backed Al-Khalifa monarchy despite the oppression of the state.
Students and workers in Bahrain have played a primary role in what’s known as the Pearl Revolution. They continue their fight against Western backed Al-Khalifa monarchy despite the systematic and ongoing oppression of the state.more
Reasons to celebrate the Russian Revolution of 1917
International Women's Day Petrograd 1917
The inspiring success and tragic defeat of the Russian Revolution offer lessons for the future
“The most indubitable feature of a revolution is the direct interference of the masses in historical events. In ordinary times...more
Engels and Indigenous Feminism
Talking Marxism columnist Abbie Bakan looks at the debt owed by Engels' classic "Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State" to the historic role of indigenous women.
The Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State , written by Frederick Engels in 1884, is one of...more
War and remembrance
"Remembrance Day" is about slyly glorifying wars past and preparing us to accept wars to come
When I was a little boy, my brothers and I were rummaging through boxes of old, packed-away stuff in our...more
Why 'men's rights' groups are wrong
"Men's rights groups" blame women, dupe men, and ignore poverty, racism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia
“Men’s rights” groups are a growing phenomenon, with “men’s centres”, and “men’s issues awareness” clubs appearing on campuses. Manipulating men’s...more
Frankenstorm: an entirely appropriate name
Frankenstorm is a monster made by capitalist climate change
Frankenstein was the name of the doctor who created a monster. Frankenstorm, the tongue-in-cheek name for the storm labelled Sandy,...more
Green jobs and ecological revolution
We have all the technology we need to get all our energy from clean, renewable sources, the ecological revolution cannot be achieved without a socialist challenge to the world order.
All the material conditions for an ecological revolution are here now. All the techniques for reducing energy consumption and replacing...more


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