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Radical Independence Conference: another Scotland is possible
Quebec solidaire's Benoit Renaud reports back from Scotland's Radical Independence Conference
On November 24, in Glasgow, 800 progressive activists from across Scotland came together under the slogan « Another Scotland is...more
Syrian opposition makes gains
The Syrian opposition is making military gains and political alliances, but remains under threat from NATO intervention and currents that want to contain the revolution
The opposition to the dictatorship in Syria is continuing to make military gains against the regime's army, and has united...more
Chicago teachers and Quebec Students: winning strikes and union renewal
Building rank-and-file organization and confidence is the key to rebuilding unions capable of fighting austerity
In the midst of mounting austerity attacks in North America, the Quebec students and Chicago teachers strike victories contradict the...more
Quebec budget: very-very-slightly-lesser-evil-ism
The PQ has brought in a budget that suits their values: neoliberal.
Pauline Marois’ PQ government, only a few months old, has already exposed its allegiance to neoliberalism in its budget, released...more
Imperialism, Palestinian resistance and the Arab Spring
We need to take inspiration from Palestine, Egypt and Greece, and build working class resistance to austerity–combining the political radicalization against Israel with economic resistance against its imperial masters.
For decades, Western imperialism has used Israeli Apartheid and Arab dictatorships to control the oil-rich region. But the heroic Palestinian...more
After the cease-fire: end the siege on Gaza, and Harper’s complicity
To support the Arab Spring, and the Palestinian liberation at its core, we need to stop Harper’s complicity with Israel.
The mainstream media claim the cease-fire has allowed life to return to normal in Palestine and Israel. But “normal” life...more
Statement by Egypt’s Revolutionary Socialists in response to president Morsi’s constitutional declaration
Egypt's Revolutionary Socialists respond to Morsi's power grab
No to dictatorship, no to trading on the revolution and the martyrs Today all the masks fell from Mohamed Morsi...more
Toronto conference lays basis for tar sands pipeline challenge
The unexpectedly large turn-out showed there is a strong basis to begin organizing broadened education and collective action to stop Line 9.
The November 17 conference, “The Tar Sands Come to Ontario: No Line 9,” was a big success. Three hundred people...more
Ford removed, the fight against austerity continues
Ford's departure is the result of pressure from below and splits from above, and should give confidence to the fight against austerity.
Today Torontonians celebrate Rob Ford’s imminent removal from office, after he was found guilty of conflict of interest. This is...more
Corporate parties can't get it right in BC
Despite a split to the right, the corporate parties in BC can't increase their popularity.
Around the world people are moving to the left. In BC this has lead to the governing Liberals sinking in...more


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