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Syrian Revolution poses severe test for Turkey's rulers
Outside powers would like to bend this struggle to meet their own interests, but the dangers of intervention make their policies hesitant and confused.
The first real sign that the civil war in Syria could spill over into a wider conflict came last week...more
People's History of World War II
WWII was neither an imperialist war for national interests nor a people’s war for a better society, but rather it was both.
A People’s History of the Second World War: Resistance versus Empire By Donny Gluckstein Reviewed by Peter Hogarth A People’s...more
How we won abortion rights
Abortion rights were seen as one of a number of demands that the women’s movement was struggling for in the fight for reproductive rights for all.
A major victory was won when the Supreme Court of Canada overturned the federal abortion law in January of 1988...more
Barbarians accept Statesmen awards with one hand, Iraq Iran with the other
We need to organize tirelessly now – as we did in 2002 and 2003 – to galvanize public opinion against another war based on misinformation and grounded in racism.
Things are sickeningly familiar these days – as though we’re experiencing collective déjà vu or being transported back in time...more
Stop Harper, and the Tories' wars abroad and at home
We need to build movements for a future of reproductive justice and a peaceful, healthy planet.
The Harper government supports the looming war on Iran, while attacking women’s rights and destroying the environment at home. War...more
Sisters in Spirit vigil: honouring murdered and missing aboriginal women
Hundreds gathered in Allan Gardens Park in Toronto to honour the lives of missing and murdered Native women in Canada
Hundreds gathered in Allan Gardens Park in Toronto to honour the lives of missing and murdered Native women in Canada...more
Victory for the Musqueam Band
Members of the Musqueam band and their allies have stopped developers from digging up their sacred land
After months of negotiation, vigils and protests against ancestral remains being dug up, members of the Musqueam Band have halted...more
If we fight, we can beat austerity
Rank-and-file resistance and solidarity can win
Five years into the economic crisis, the 1% continues to impose austerity measures to make ordinary people pay. While not...more
The Comintern and the ‘black question’
Marxism and the fight against racism
The Communist International (Comintern) Fourth Congress, meeting in 1922, prefigured many discussions regarding international solidarity and activism that will be...more
Breaking the siege of Gaza
It began with an idea and it inspired a vibrant international movement.
In 2008, a group of 44 people sailed two dilapidated boats to Gaza to break Israel’s illegal siege, and were...more


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