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Poverty and violence should not be synonyms for "disability"
On International Day of Persons with Disabilities we need to commit to ending poverty, violence and disability oppression
Under the theme: “Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all”, this December 3, 2012, the world...more
Justice for Hassan Diab
The campaign to defend Hassan Diab continues
In yet another travesty of justice for communities of Muslim and Arabic origin in Canada, Dr. Hassan Diab, an Ottawa...more
Down the rabbit hole - into a pipeline
Media and government collude to greenwash the Tar Sands
A few weeks ago Michael Harris at the iPolitics news web reported on the case of Jill Winzoski, freelance reporter...more
First Wave Feminism: Indigenous Inspirations
Examination of how indigenous matriarchal social relations inspired early women's rights advocates in the US
Socialist feminism owes a deep debt to indigenous societies. This is where the idea originates that women could be, and...more
South Africa: miners spark challenge to post-Apartheid capitalism
Miners' strike for better wages grows into movement against neo-liberalism and austerity.
On August 9, platinum miners at South Africa’s Marikana mine (owned by Lonmin, a London-based multinational) went on strike demanding...more
Walmart actions reflect anger of US working class
On “Black Friday” Walmart workers and supporters staged over 1000 walkouts or protests, in more than 100 cities
Walmart is the second biggest employer in the US, and the number one employer of African-Americans. Walmart’s slogan is “Save...more
A brief history of AIDS activism in Canada
AIDS Action Now co-founder Tim McCaskell reviews the history of AIDS activism
In the early 1980s, the nightmare of AIDS broke like a tsunami over gay communities in Canada’s major cities. Young,...more
The Coup: still putting the Boots to the ruling class
The Coup
The Coup's latest rap album reminds us that revolution is, among other things, a festival
Sorry To Bother You , The Coup (ANTI- , 2012) Music review by John Bell Thanks to Boots Riley, revolutionary...more
Saudi Arabia: ongoing protests against Western-backed oppression
Despite these attempts to subdue the population, public protests have been occurring regularly against the Western-backed regime in Saudi Arabia.
In an effort to avoid the revolutionary zeal that has spread across North Africa and the Middle East, Saudi Arabia...more
Europe rocked by general strikes in Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece
A look at the generals strikes of November 14 in Spain, Greece, Portugal and Belgium.
On November 14, general strikes spread across Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece as well as parts of Belgium. In Spain...more


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