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Coal port expansion will produce more climate change than Northern Gateway pipeline
Vancouver is set to increase coal exports that would release more carbon into the atmosphere than all of the oil exports from the planned Northern Gateway Pipeline.
Vancouver is set to increase coal exports that would release more carbon into the atmosphere than all of the oil exports from the planned Northern Gateway Pipeline.more
Idle No More, from Canada to Mexico
From Idle No More to the Zapatistas, indigenous struggles are rising
Canada’s colonial past continues in the present. Battles over natural resources, massive inequality of income, lifespan and cultural freedom, and...more
Quebec austerity budget: zero deficit policy benefits 1%
The PQ government have continued to reveal their true colours as defenders of the 1%
In November we reported that the PQ budget shows how bankrupt the strategic vote was. The PQ exposed themselves as...more
Michigan: wake up call for the Canadian labour movement
The attacks on union rights show that bargaining as usual won't work. We need rank-and-file militancy
The passage of "right to work" legislation in Michigan has been called a catastrophe for the US labour movement. Michigan,...more
Idle No More: First Nations rise up
Looking at the rising Idle No More movement for indigenous sovereignty in the context of Canadian colonialism.
"Canada has become one of the wealthiest countries in the world by using the land and resources. Canadian mining, logging,...more
Statement by All Together on the South Korean presidential elections
what is more effective in order to prepare for the struggle from below.
We understand people feeling that they have no choice but to vote for Moon Jae-in in order to stop Park...more
The struggle for abortion rights in Ireland
Savita Halappanavar should not have died, and she should be the last woman in Ireland forced to choose between an unwanted or unviable pregnancy and her life.
Savita Halappanavar died because women are not free to control their own bodies. Halappanavar, who was a dentist in Galway,...more
Ottawa teachers confront Liberal leaders
Action on the picket lines sparked opposition to Liberal leadership candidates
Many hundreds turned out in the cold wet snow in Ottawa to confront the Liberal Leadership debate at Carleton University...more
Showing solidarity with teachers in my neighbourhood
A guide to building solidarity with teachers in your neighbourhood
Elementary teachers at Toronto’s Pauline Junior Public School were in good spirits today—part of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario...more
Egypt: Mursi narrowly wins first round, but struggle will continue
Judith Orr reports from Cairo on the first round of the counter-revolutionary constitution
The results from the first day of Egypt’s referendum poll on Muslim Brotherhood President Mursi’s new constitution show a majority...more


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