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Who profits from the ‘war on drugs’?
A movie that looks at the racism and profit-driven "war on drugs"
The House I Live In , directed by Eugene Jarecki, Reviewed by Darren Edgar The “war on drugs” is a...more
The human cost of Kenney’s cuts
Kenney's cuts kill
By 2050, there will be an estimated 700 million climate refugees in the world. On the one hand, Canada is...more
Temporary foreign workers denied basic labour rights
The labour movement must fight to expand rights to everyone
After two high-profile incidents in northern British Columbia, Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) has come under public scrutiny in...more
Jason Kenney: Canada’s next prime minister?
We need a clear assessment of Kenney’s agenda of attacks on civil liberties, and build movements to resist them
Jason Kenney’s tenure as the Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism has been characterized by a relentless attack on civil...more
Global warming talks: Why Doha will do nothing
Climate Change negotiations in Doha, Qatar will produce nothing; the time for talk is over
A few people have been making a lot of money building new communities along the North Carolina coast. Oceanfront vistas...more
How Coastal First Nations are challenging the tar sands
Art Sterritt, Executive Director of Coastal First Nations, describes the strategy and tactics of confronting Enbridge in BC
On November 17, 300-400 people attended the Toronto event "Tar sands come to Ontario: no line 9", to discuss how...more
Haiti: Sandy's forgotten victims
"Natural disasters" disproportionately hit nations like Haiti, already bled dry to satisfy corporate profits.
While North American eyes were fixed on the damage done to New York City by hurricane Sandy, the already devastated...more
United in action to overcome HIV/AIDS
AIDS Action Now!
In anticipation of World AIDS Day, a review of a documentary film on the history of ACT UP and panel discussion on the history of local AIDS activism as part of an event hosted by AIDS Action Now!
In the lead-up to World AIDS Day and a Day With(out) Art on December 1 there will be numerous events...more
How workers can win
Workers can not only fight austerity, but win.
We have recently witnessed mass strikes across Europe protesting the austerity agenda having a devastating effect on workers and the...more
Getting Egypt's second revolution
Sameh Naguib, from Egypt's Revolutionary Socialists, addresses strategy and tactics of the next phase of the revolution
Great revolutions in the modern era take years to ebb and flow. They usually begin with temporary and superficial unity...more


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