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Inside the Ontario Austerity budget
Mike Harris 2.0
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty wants to continue the Mike Harris agenda with massive cuts to social assistance, public services and workers rights. With the NDP accomodating to Austerity, it's key to mobilize for the April 21 day of action against Austerity.more
Anti-racist feminism
The ongoing contributions of anti-racist feminists
The women's movement of the 1960s and 1970s developed in the context of mass movements of protest, including the black civil rights movement and opposition to the war on Vietnam. These movements were young, diverse and often fragmented, but generated considerable influence in theory and practice.more
Toronto library workers show that sometimes it's better to fight than to run away
Toronto library workers push back against Austerity
Toronto Public Library workers ended a ten-day strike recently, scoring a significantly better contract then their brothers and sisters in...more
Hoodies and hijabs
shaima alawadi, trayvon martin, racial profiling, bill blair, hijab, police,
There's no Canadian exceptionalism when it comes to racism and Islamophobia
As protests sweep the US against the racist killings of Trayvon Martin and Shaima Alawadi, John Bell looks at racism and Islamophobia in Canada.more
Carlton grads vote to divest from Israeli occupation
a victory for Palestine solidarity
On March 21 and 22, the general membership of Carleton’s Graduate Students’ Association voted overwhelmingly in support of Carleton divesting,...more
Mulcair: the NDP's Tony Blair
a victory for the right-wing party bureaucracy
In the same week as 200,000 Quebec students marched against tuition and hundreds of Air Canada workers went on a wildcat strike across the country, the NDP elected ex-Liberal Thomas Mulcair as the new party leader. This marks a further rightward shift in the party, in a quest for power that is increasingly detaching itself from the movements upon which change is based.more
Defend choice: defeat Motion 312
Anti-choice tories bring bigotry to Parliament
Despite Prime Minister Harper’s reassurances that “we are not opening the abortion debate”, his government constantly attacks the right to...more
Vancouver rallies against Enbridge
pipelines protests grow
On March 26, 2,000 demonstrated against oil tankers threatening their communities, eco-systems, indigenous self-determination and right to personal health.more
1965: rank-and-file resistance and the birth of public sector unions
Remembering the birth of public sector unions
In 1965 postal workers challenged their leadership, divisions between women/women and anglophone/Quebecois and formed the first public sector unions--providing lessons valuable for today.more
Anniversary of Iraq War shows what - humanitarian intervention" would mean for Syria or Iran
Don't forget Iraq
The ongoing catastrophe in Iraq shows what -humanitarian intervention- would do it's unleashed on another country.more


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