On March 26, 2,000 demonstrated against oil tankers threatening their communities, eco-systems, indigenous self-determination and right to personal health.more
In 1965 postal workers challenged their leadership, divisions between women/women and anglophone/Quebecois and formed the first public sector unions--providing lessons valuable for today.more
Reacting to Austerity and electoral fraud, hundreds of thousands of Russians are overcoming their fear of repression and protesting the regime of Vladimir Putinmore
In 1965 postal workers challenged their leadership, divisions between women/women and anglophone/Quebecois and formed the first public sector unions--providing lessons valuable for today.more
Quebec Premier Jean Charest wants to impose a massive corporate project to exploit the resources and indigenous land of the north of Quebec, but he's meeting resistance--from indigenous and labour groups, the Quebec student strike, and protests building for Earth Day.more