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Student day of action
The students, united, will never be defeated
On February 1, students across the country took to the streets for a pan-Canadian day of action, organized by the...more
Library workers defend services
Library workers defend jobs and services
The 2,400 members of CUPE local 4948, workers at the Toronto Public Library (TPL), have been prepping for job action...more
Show trial for WikiLeaks whistle-blower
inside the Bradley Manning trial
Bradley Manning, the accused Wikileaks whistleblower, spent his 24th birthday on trial. Patricia Malloy joined hundreds of supporters protesting outside his military show trial.more
Mass strike shakes Nigeria
The global revolt arrives in Nigeria
The mass strike and public protests that swept through Nigeria from January 9 to January 13 were the largest in the country's history.more
Washington threatens reprisals against Nicaragua's voters
interview with a member of the Sandanistas
As the US threatens reprisals against Nicaragua for their latest democratic election, John Riddell asks about the progress and shortcomings so far.more
US welcomes Yemen's dictator to the Ritz-Carlton
Humanitarian intervention for Yemen's dictator
While the US justifies its escalating threats towards Syria and Iran on the basis of human rights and democracy, its...more
How can the Egyptian Revolution win?
Egyptian revolutionary talks about the future of the revolution
Revolutionary Socialist and blogger Gigi Ibrahim discussed the Egyptian revolution and how it can winmore
Syria: resistance vs intervention
Who will determine Syria's fate
Western powers are threatening to derail the revolution in Syria, intervening directly or through the dictatorships they are arming in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The best solidarity is stopping military intervention.more
Language matters
To really understand language in Canada, and the importance of language in Quebec as well, we need to understand where official bilingualism came from.
Trudeau used official bilingualism to neutralize the movement for self-determination in the 1960s, and since then the limited law 101 has been under attack. We need to understand the history of Quebec oppression to understand the limits of bilingualism and the importance of language and self-determination in Quebec.more
Time to put aside infantile things
How to build a campaign to the Keystone?
In January, Barack Obama declared that, for the present time, the Keystone Pipeline would not receive federal approval. The Keystone project was led by TransCanada Pipeline, and would have pumped Alberta Tar Sands syncrude to refineries in Texas.more


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