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Public sector workers protest potential cuts
stop the cuts
On March 1 members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada held a national day-of-action to protest potentially sweeping cuts to federal departments and agencies.more
Kony's got nothing on Harper
While a viral sensation calls for US imperialism to -stop Kony-, the real enemy is at homemore
BC teachers stand strong
Kids matter and teachers care
Among the ongoing stalemate between the BC Liberals and the BC Teacher's Federation (BCTF) - including a three day strike by 41,000 teachers - March 6 saw over 5,000 teachers and supporters gather on the lawn of the provincial legislature.more
What’s next for Québec solidaire?
Benoit Renaud is Responsable à la mobilisation for Québec solidaire, the party of the left in Quebec. We asked him...more
Resist austerity
As the global economic crisis continues to deepen, corporations and governments—from military regimes, to Conservatives, to labour governments—are pushing increasingly...more
The bombs in Afghanistan have landed in Norway
Fascist Anders Behring Breivik has massacred people in Norway, the result of a decade of Islamophobia to justify the war in Afghanistan
A decade of Islamophobia to justify the war in Afghanistan is now spreading violence to the West. Right-wing Islamophobe Anders...more
Support the Quebec student strike
an appeal for solidarity
125,000 Quebec students are on strike against 75% tuition hike. Here's how you can helpmore
No war on Iran
A brief look at Toronto's anti-war rally
The first rally in Toronto against the looming Iran War saw hundreds unite to say -Drop Harper, not bombs-more
International Women's Day March, Toronto
A brief look at IWD Toronto
On March 3, women and men united to demand jobs, public services and an end to women's oppressionmore
What would it take to stop Austerity?
How do we build a fighting labour movement
The recent settlements by the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) in London over the closure of the Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD) plant and by Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 416 with the city of Toronto have raised questions about how we build a serious fight-back against Austerity.more


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