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Business as usual after historic prisoner swap
Israel frees prisoners, then returns to war crimes
Less than two weeks after Israel freed over 1,000 Palestinian political prisoners in exchange for a single Israeli soldier captured...more
Israel hijacks aid ship, tasers activist
Canadians attempt to break the siege on Gaza
The Canadian Boat to Gaza made a second attempt in early November to deliver medical aid to Gaza and break...more
Wheat Board battle heats up
Farmers challenge the Harper government
The Harper government has tabled Bill C-18 to end the Canadian Wheat Board and deregulate the grain market. But farmers are fighting back.more
Occupy, strike, resist
The Occupy movement begins...
Protests in Oakland show the depth of popular discontent of the Occupy movement, which follows on the waves of the Arab spring and the occupation in Wisconsin. The next steps are to take the movement into campuses and workplaces.more
Durban Climate Change summit: The time for talk is over
The UN Conference on Climate Change
The upcoming UN Conference on Climate Change takes placed amidst increasing extreme weather disasters and a rising tide of mass revolt worldwide. It's either system change, or climate change.more
Occupy everything
Strategy and tactics of the Occupy movement
One of the most exciting things about the Occupy protests is the widespread discussion they have sparked, both within the movement itself and among the wider public, about creating resistance to the capitalist system and building alternatives to it. Some of the questions are new. Many others have come up in previous movements. That means today's movement will have both lessons to offer and lessons to learn.more
"Be realistic, demand the impossible"
When France was occupied
Long before the Occupy Wall Street movement rattled the ruling class of America, students and workers in France occupied. May '68 showed the spark and creativity of student occupations, and the need to connect to workers.more
More blood for oil in Uganda
US sends special forces to Uganda
In its competition with China over Africa's resources, the US has sent 100 special forces into Uganda--where a major oil reserve was discovered in 2006.more
Tory threat to abortion rights
The battle for choice continues
As right-wing forces in the US and Canada try to use the economic crisis to attack a women's right to choose, the pro-choice movement must once again mobilize for abortion rights.more
NDP Leadership race: can it magnify the movements?
What do socialists say about the NDP leadership race?
For socialists believing that change happens outside Parliament, the leadership race of the NDP is still an important matter, but the criteria are different. The question is not one of personality, but of ability to open up space for mass movements.more


Featured Event


  • February 26, 2025
    Organized by:
    Vancouver branch of the International Socialists


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