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Jason Kenney slides into oily frenzy
Kenney's oil gamble is a big loss for Alberta
If the election of Joe Biden does nothing else, it has revealed Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to be unhinged. Among...more
The Egyptian Revolution | 10 years later | must reads and anniversary events
What lessons can we learn from the mass uprising in 2011
Ten years ago, on January 25, 2011, there was a call for demonstrations in Egypt to protest police brutality and...more
Tories whitewash their white supremacy streak
Bigot, without apology
When Tory MP Derek Sloan ran for leadership of his party, he coined the slogan “Conservative. Without Apology.” His platform...more
Bill C-15: UNDRIP as cover for ongoing colonialism
Trudeau's bill is a smokescreen
Last February an unprecedented movement of Indigenous land defenders, along with Indigenous and settler allies, blocked rails, ports and roadways...more
Teacher solidarity fighting for a safe school reopening
From the front lines: Elementary teacher speaks out!
Jen Reid is a Grade 3 teacher in the Halton District School Board and a member of the Elementary Teachers...more
Paid Sick Days Now!
The Tories took away paid sick days but workers are fighting back.
Most manufacturing plants in Ontario do not have paid sick days and workplace spread of Covid 19 is growing significantly...more
NDP Heading Down A Precarious Path
Call to ban Proud Boys just puts more repressive tools in the hands of a racist state
Socialist Worker spoke to Sid Ryan, Former President of the Ontario Federation of Labour about the NDP's move to ban...more
It's capitalism, not overpopulation, that's driving ecological destruction
Arguments about overpopulation are building racist and right wing ideas
An article in the Guardian on January 13th called attention to a new report titled, "Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding...more
Community and workers join to fight toxic racism in construction
Inside the campaign for racial justice after nooses found on construction sites
On June 10th, a noose was found attached to the equipment of a worker of African descent on the Michael...more
Jan 6, 2021: The roots behind the rage
The roots of Trumpists rage
As of 2016, more than 20 million Americans lived in so-called mobile homes. (The comparable number of Canadians is around...more


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