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Don’t count on Dems to confront threat of far-right
US Capitol chaos a result of capitalist crisis
The storming of the US Capitol building by Trump inspired right-wing mobs was a predictable outcome of a political polarization...more
Tories turn their backs on Long Term Care
"Not one home has been fined, not one license has been revoked; there are no consequences!”
“What we are seeing is worse than anything I have ever seen in the homes,” said Natalie Mehra of the...more
Review: Bruce Springsteen’s - Letter to you
Springsteen's latest album a lament for loss and a call for a better world
“I’m in the middle of a 45-year conversation with these men and women I’m surrounded by and with some of...more
2020: Trump and the aliens among us
Hidden amidst the gloom and doom stories from 2020–certainly the gloomiest and doomiest year of my existence–was one glorious, bright...more
Liberals' false Climate Plan
Far from a clean energy transition, plan locks us in to rmost carbon intensive fossil fuels on the planet
The Liberal Climate Plan released in November to much fanfare from sections of the mainstream media sets forward a plan...more
Leo Panitch 1945-2020
Photo of Leo Panitch
The working class and the left is poorer with the loss of this fighter and thinker
On Sunday December 20 th , the left and working class in Canada and globally lost a fighter and thinker...more
Ontario government COVID incompetence in their own words.
Doug Ford and Charles McVety - spot the bigot
On December 14, just before their press conference, Dr. Barbara Yaffe (Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health) and Dr. David...more
“The farmers already know the solutions” – Solidarity with Indian Farmers
Challenging Modi's corporate takeover of agriculture
Mathew Edassery is a Social Worker from the South Indian state, Kerala; and now resides in Canada. As part of...more
Liberals try to make the poor pay
Rich corporations got billions but working people are being forced to pay back much needed funds
In the lead-up to Christmas, in the midst of a second-wave COVID-19 lockdown, the federal Liberal government is attacking workers...more
Turning the Neoliberal Tide in Latin America
Victory to the resistance
A recent series of popular struggles has begun to turn the neoliberal tide in Latin America. The two most important...more


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