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Labour for Palestine
Hamilton Young Workers organize support for Palestine
The ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli state is good news––the killing and destruction stops for now. The oppression of...more
Quebec, racism, and the left
Québec solidaire has censured its own anti-racism collective. What does this mean for the Quebec left's ability to confront systemic racism?
This month marks 15 years since the founding of Québec solidaire (QS), a party far to the left of the...more
Strike down Rexplas greed
Join the picket line! Support striking Rexplas workers
The David and Goliath battle by workers on strike at Rexplas in Toronto is building support across the labour movement...more
Greek healthcare workers show the way to fight
When governments used the pandemic to shut down dissent, Greek workers fought back
Kostas Katarachias , a doctor at Athens’ largest cancer hospital Agios Savvas, is also president of his union. His firing...more
Toronto mass rally supports Palestinian struggle
Palestine solidarity rally in Toronto
More than 10,000 people rallied at city hall in Toronto calling for an end to Israeli attacks on Palestinians. Organized...more
Desperate lies and evasions – DoFo digs deep
Racist dog whistles and blaming unions will not dig Ford out of this hole
Doug Ford wasn’t 2 minutes into his Thursday announcement when he dropped his first lie. He said: “The school situation...more
The world is waking up to Israel's brutality
Attacks are increasing as more global human rights groups are denouncing abuses by the Israeli state.
The vicious attacks on Palestinians by Israeli police and military are just the latest injustice meted out by the the...more
BC NDP follows Ontario Tories on sick leave
BC Premier Horgan and friends
BC NDP implements employers' version of sick leave
For over a year now the BC NDP government has been able to brag that their Premier is one of...more
SOS Colombia
The people of Colombia demand justice!
During a global pandemic, in the face of surging unemployment and increased poverty, Colombia’s ultra-right conservative government decided to launch...more
Reports lay almost 4000 LTC deaths at Ford’s door
Tories are more concerned with LTC profits than senior care
First came Ontario Auditor Bonnie Lysyk’s report on the way the Ford government handled the arrival of COVID-19 in the...more


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