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Rexplas strike ends in victory
Workers held the line and won: a short report from the vote at Rexplas
Members of USW Local 8300 voted on Sunday, June 27 to end their strike against Rexplas. They had walked out...more
Cancel Canada Day ... and while we're at it Cancel Canada
Canada day is a celebration of genocide
Warning: this article contains details that may trigger trauma for survivors of the residential "schools" and others. For those that...more
Interview: Benoit Renaud on the public sector fight in Quebec
Socialist Worker spoke with Benoit Renaud, a teaching advisor for public schools in Gatineau, Quebec. He is a member of...more
Decolonization is not a metaphor
Empty gestures and symbolic victories don't mean justice
Across Turtle Island, photos of honouring, solidarity, resistance, resurgence, rematriation, courage, power. Can struggle and integrity in the face of...more
Vile Sun column denies Islamophobia
Tarek Fatah claims Islamophobia doesn't exist
Bottom-feeding Sun Media columnist Tarek Fatah is at it again. In the wake of the terrorist murder of the Afzaal...more
Kenney lies to escape his racist record
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is a liar. At a recent press conference he denied his role, as former Immigration and...more
Video: Marxism 2021: Opening session: Socialist Ideas for a world in crisis
Opening Meeting: Socialist Ideas for a World in Crisis In the opening plenary of Marxism 2021 Alex Callinicos, leading member...more
Capitalist courts and climate struggle
Capitalist institutions won't end the climate crisis.
Recently, climate justice activists have been enthused by some major developments where mainstream institutions connected to centres of power have...more
Extinction Rebellion activists are hungry to meet the Premier
XR Vancouver hunger strike
Hunger strike in solidarity with Fairy Creek Blockade
The BC NDP government has had over 200 land defenders arrested so far at the Fairy Creek blockade. In Vancouver...more
Greens eat themselves (Updated June 22)
It appears that the Green Party of Canada has begun the process to remove Annamie Paul from the party leadership...more


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