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Striking back
Locked-out NRI workers with Scabby the Rat
The best way to shape the outcome of the federal election is by flexing the muscle of workplace and mass action
With Labour Day and a federal election around the corner it is worth looking at the state of the Union...more
Return to school: "A lot of questions and lots of anxiety"
Protest with banner saying "Safer schools"
Interview with Nigel Barriffe, executive officer of ETFO
Despite rising COVID cases, Ontario introduced a plan for a full reopening of public school for September, including full day...more
Energy workers call for just transition
Fossil fuel workers must be part of the fight against climate change
There is an image often presented of workers in fossil fuel extraction and processing industries as diehard supporters of these...more
Big pharma and vaccines: “one of the most lethal cases of profiteering in history”
According to The People’s Vaccine Alliance, multinational drug companies Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca have rewarded shareholders with $26...more
Alberta: Welcome to your 4th Wave
So there you have it: the embattled Alberta UCP government of Jason Kenney is so desperate to shore up its...more
COVID: too soon to relax
Re-opening plans are about profit - not people's health
The COVID-19 virus is constantly adapting. The speed at which multi-celulars organisms evolve and mutate is slow. But viruses move...more
Support striking Iranian oil workers. Sign the petition here
Read about the history of Iranian oil workers protests and how you can help.
Iranian oil workers have been on strike for weeks and they need your solidarity. Please consider signing the petition below...more
End all evictions. Housing is a human right!
Capitalism won't solve the housing crisis.
The vicious attacks by Toronto police on the encampments in city parks - with the support of a city council...more
Letter: Eyewitness from Lamport encampment attack
Attack proves the need to defund the police
I was a witness outside the gate at Lamport stadium today. I arrived at about 12pm, and the violence I...more
Billions for pipelines while the world burns
The climate crisis is not in the future; it is here and now and all around us.
Shattering heat records in the BC interior, part of waves of scorching temperatures all down through the US states of...more


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