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Canada’s Bosses want your healthcare
Don't let them use the pandemic to privatize healthcare
The Toronto Star’s new conservative roots are showing. A recent edition featured a “debate” on whether or not COVID has...more
BC forestry plan is lose-lose for Indigenous nations, forestry workers and the planet
Photo CC BY-ND 2.0 savageblackout
BC forestry plan will rescue profits, not jobs or trees
Before the election, the BC NDP commissioned a report on old growth logging. Back then they promised to implement the...more
Governments promises evolve too slowly for climate crisis
World leaders at the G20 meetings finally agreed that 1.5 degrees is the right ambition, but Justin Trudeau attempted to...more
Where did all the nurses go?
Doug Ford says he does not want to impose vaccine mandates on healthcare workers for fear that many will quit...more
All Eyes On Wet'suwet'en - protect the Wedzin Kwa
The RCMP have been arresting Land Defenders once again
The ongoing struggle over control of Wet'suwet'en territory is heating up again as the pristine headwaters of the river Wedzin...more
Moe's horrible handling stokes pandemic in Saskatchewan
The Delta variant of Covid-19 is playing havoc in Saskatchewan due to Premier Scott Moe's handling or lack of handling...more
Jason Kenney's “War Room” fiasco
Alberta Tories propaganda campaign against environmentalists falls flat
Not content to champion a war on the environment by funneling literally billions into pipelines and tar pits, Jason Kenney...more
Watch Skyler Williams speak at the rally in solidarity with 1492 Land Back Lane
LAND BACK! Watch Skyler Williams - spokesperson for 1492 Land Back Lane - at the rally organized by Rising Tide...more
Review: The Great Climate Cop Out
With the upcoming COP26 to be held in Glasgow this November (delayed a year by the COVID 19 pandemic), environmental...more
Justice for Joyce Echaquan
On Friday October 1st, the day after the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, came the coroner’s report into...more


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