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West continues to threaten Iran and world peace
Western threats encourage nuclear proliferation
Despite the recent nuclear deal , Western imperialism continues to threaten Iran. Already a group of Democrats and Republicans have...more)
Whose revolution is it anyway?
A revolutionary film, or is it?
If there was any movie that started political discussion in 2013, it would be the second installment of the Hunger...more)
This holiday season, support Chelsea Manning
Freedom fighter Chelsea Manning is spending her fourth year behind bars while warmongers are free
Private Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning), who risked her freedom and her life so that people would see the truth...more)
Egypt's Revolution deepens in the face of state repression
Egyptian Revolutionary Socialist and labour lawyer writes on the ongoing revolution
Egyptian Revolutionary Socialist and labour lawyer Haitham Mohamedain is a leading activist in the struggles against the military’s new “protest...more)
A First Nations fight against the frackers
The backdrop to the Elsipogtog First Nation's struggle against fracking.
After facing months of protest led by the Mi'kmaq people of the Elsipogtog Nation in New Brunswick, Canada , the...more)
End Canada's unjust laws
Justice for Hassan Diab and Mohamed Mahjoub!
Two recent hearings, part of longstanding struggles , put into question the integrity of Canada’s legal structure for the defence...more)
"Syrian people are facing international community of hypocrisy"- Mother Agnes-Mariam
Mother Agnes-Mariam shared her eyewitness experience in Syria with people in Toronto during her speaking tour. Mother Agnes-Mariam of the...more)
Spy palaces in the age of austerity
There are attacks on civil liberties in order to enforce austerity, but there is also resistance to both
The revelations over the past year about the US government's global spy network has provoked intense reactions from individuals and...more)
Support the legal defense of Greek anti-fascists
A lawyer on the payrole of the Nazi Golden Support Greek socialists who are being sued by a lawyer on the payroll of the nazi Golden Dawn party
Dear comrades, As you know, three members of the Greek Socialist Workers Party (SEK) are to appear in court on...more)
Mohamed Harkat: 11 years of injustice
End secret trials! Justice for Mohamet Harkat!
Dear friend, December 10th (International Human Rights Day), will mark the 11th anniversary of Mohamed Harkat's arrest under a Security...more)
You deserve a raise
On December 14, rally to raise the minimum wage
You deserve a raise! Since Ontario’s minimum wage was frozen at $10.25 an hour three years ago, minimum wage earnings...more)
Feds lie, withhold proof of Residential School torture
The Canadian government is covering up genocide
The Harper government has done everything possible to deny justice to the victims of the racist Residential School program. Begun...more)
BMO celebrates as only banks can
BMO celebrated its multibillion dollar profits by laying off 1,000 workers
Amidst excitement about setting a new all-time record for annual profit, BMO celebrated by laying off 1,000 people. BMO made...more)
Talkin' about a revolution
The problems of capitalism are so obvious that Russell Brand and the Pope are speaking out
Donald Sutherland, Russell Brand and Pope Francis walk into a bar… Well, if they did they would have something to...more)
Will the nuclear agreement change the West's relations with Iran?
The deal eases sanctions but does not stop Western militarism
After talks in Geneva an agreement has finally been reached between Iran and the 5+1 group (US, China, Great Britain,...more)
Nuclear weapons are still the threat they always were
With the threat of climate catastrophe and nuclear annihilation, the choice is socialism or barbarism
While there’s debate about Iran’s potential to become a nuclear power, including its recent deal—slowing its nuclear development program in...more)
More than a hundred communities rally to Defend Our Climate
The climate justice movement is growing
Anti-pipeline rallies were held across the country last weekend, and the movement continues to gather support from diverse parts of...more)
Fifty years since the chickens came home to roost
The civil rights leader and revolutionary was one of the few unafraid to tell the truth about President Kennedy in the days after Kennedy was shot
On December 1, 1963, during the question period after Malcolm X’s talk, “God’s Judgment of White America”, at the Manhattan...more)
The real record of JFK
Kennedy was a terrorist, war criminal and a barrier to civil rights
John Fitzgerald Kennedy's presidency was one of violence and destruction as he stumbled along his path from the Bay of...more)
Toronto city council restricts Ford, preserves his agenda
Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly is no alternative to Rob Ford
Toronto's City Council stripped Mayor Rob Ford of some of his powers. But because the council's decision aimed to punish...more)
'Save Toronto': from what, and how?
We need to connect opposition to Ford to building movements against his agenda
A rally organized on November 13 under the banner “ Save Toronto ” saw over a thousand people outside City...more)
Genocide, refugees and an inconvenient truth about Harper's boycott
Harper's boycott of Sri Lanka hides a history of silence in the face of genocide, and racist attacks on Tamils
"Canada will not tolerate the abuse of the Immigration system by terrorist elements escaping Sri Lanka." -- former Minister of...more)
Stop Harper’s war on workers
With an omnibus bill targeting workers, labour needs to be idle no more
Last year Harper declared war on climate justice with omnibus bill C-45, and this year he is declaring war on...more)
Defend our climate from capitalism
To stop devastating typhoons we need to stop tar sands and the system that produces them
The devastation from the typhoon that struck the Philippines is not only a tragedy, it’s a crime. As Filipino activist...more)
Interview: uncovering the history of the anti-draft movement
Author and anti-war activist Jessica Squires discusses her new book
On November 18, author and anti-war activist Jessica Squires will be launching her book “Building sanctuary” in Toronto, as a...more)


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