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Geneva talks: no real solution to the Syrian crisis
The West is ignoring the humanitarian crisis, arming groups and pushing for a "transition" that undermines self-determination
Meetings in Geneva haven’t produced any concrete solution to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria. On the other hand, United...more)
Elections and activism: a Montreal experience
Montreal bike lane
Interview with Montreal activists on the progressive municipal party the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about
The November 3, 2013 Montreal municipal elections took place in the midst of the debate over the Quebec Charter on...more)
Egypt: is the revolution over?
We need to build solidarity for the protests and strikes needed to rekindle the revolution
Egyptians and their allies demonstrated in cities around the world on January 25, the third anniversary of the start of...more)
Young vs Harper
Join Neil Young in helping raise funds for the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation's legal defense fund
Prominent singer Neil Young’s recently completed Honour The Treaties tour struck a chord with allies and opponents alike. Along with...more)
Why does Harper support Israel?
Harper sees indigenous resistance and solidarity as a threat to the long-term interests of the 1%
After years of defending Israel, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper made his first visit historic: taking a 200-strong delegation, becoming...more)
Canada Post and the city of Detroit: pension battleground
The attack on pensions is part of attacking workers for the economic crisis of the 1%
What do Canada Post job cuts and the end of home delivery have in common with the city of Detroit’s...more)
Legal victory in Richtree fight, though struggle continues
Resistance and solidarity has won a partial victory, and must continue
The new year has started off with a solid victory for 50 Toronto workers still engaged in a year-long labour...more)
The new PQ, Islamophobia and the reshaping of Québec politics
The left needs a principled opposition to Islamophobia as part of a broader alternative to the PQ
What we now refer to as bill 60 or the Charter of secularism (formerly Charter of values ) is no...more)
New Fraser Institute report touts benefits of no longer being alive
Hot on the heels of a report released Tuesday by the Fraser Institute condemning living wages for workers, their follow-up...more)
Saving Canada Post: the struggle so far
Across the country there is support for postal workers
Nearly a month has passed since Canada Post’s management announced, without warning to either the public or the Canadian Union...more)
Support Egyptian revolutionaries against repression
The Egyptian regime has given harsh sentences to activists for organizing protests
Well-known revolutionary activists from Alexandria have become the latest to face harsh jail terms and large fines for defying the...more)
The election of Seattle's first socialist city councilor
An interview with Kshama Sawant's campaign manager
Yesterday Kshama Sawant was inaugurated as the first socialist in Seattle City Council. As she said in her speech ,...more)
Israel: Prawer Plan postponed
Mass protests have stopped, for now, Israel's plan to displace 40,000 Bedouins
The plan to evict 40,000 Bedouin Arab homes in the Negev desert has been postponed after the Prawer Plan faced...more)
2013: a year of resistance
A summary of 2013 through the most read articles of
The year 2013 was marked by resistance around the world. was re-launched in January 2013 to be part of...more)
Postal workers: pensions, privatization and the public good
The 1% want to privatize the postal service, but there's a mood for resistance
Scrooge-like Canada Post CEO, Deepak Chopra, announced the phase out of door-to-door mail delivery by 2015 just before the Christmas...more)
Kim Rivera released from prison, but the struggle for US war resisters in Canada continues
Join Let Them Stay Week, January 12-19, to support war resisters
War resister Kimberly Rivera has been released from military prison and has been reunited with her family, after serving 10...more)
Farewell to a Comrade, Nelson Mandela
Mandela was part of a national liberation movement that continues
Mandela was part of a large number of African militants (some of whom preceded him), who in the face of...more)
Service workers fight back
Rank and file workers are key to fighting austerity
Service workers at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, members of the Teamsters, recently struck fighting for greater wages than...more)
Jesus was a revolutionary
A popular new book repeats the notion that Jesus was a revolutionary whose radicalism has been buried
In his short and readable best-seller, former evangelical Christian Reza Aslan makes a compelling argument: that Jesus was a Jewish...more)
Do you know about Canada's "Indian hospitals"?
"Indian hospitals" were another site of colonial oppression, but also resistance
Thanks to Idle No More members and the many indigenous activists before them, non-indigenous Canadians are learning more about their...more)
Marxism and religion
"Unity in revolutionary struggle for the creation of a paradise on earth is more important than unity of opinion on paradise in heaven.”
Probably the most well-known, widely shared and least understood notion of Marx’s take on religion is encapsulated in Marx’s phrase...more)
Nuclear processing in Toronto?
Neighbourhood opposes GE Hitachi nuclear processing plan
Davenport Residents Demand GE-Hitachi Shut Down Lansdowne Plant On December 10-11, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), an Ottawa-based federal...more)
2014: The year we stop the pipelines!
Build anti-pipeline actions now and build the solidarity for them to win
The panel picked by the Tories to review the Northern Gateway Pipeline project has produced its report . Enbridge could...more)
Northern Gateway pipeline given the go ahead by three people, will be opposed by thousands.
The pipeline is undemocratic, colonial and dangerous, and it can be stopped
The recently released Joint Review Panel report on the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project is a a one-sided whitewash...more)
We can beat the right and win the fight at Canada Post
Coordination amongst the Left, the broader labour movement and CUPW can fight back
The decision by Canada Post to end home-delivery, increase postage and eliminate approximately 10,000 jobs is, in our opinion, an...more)


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