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US weakness and imperial rivalry
The US retreat from war in Syria reflects growing imperial rivalries, and the impact of resistance
The US drawback from a war with Syria has exposed some serious weakness at the top of the global pecking...more)
Mass rally builds movement against Line 9
Hundreds in the street has added momentum to the anti-pipeline fight
On October 19 hundreds marched against Line 9 in Toronto, the culmination of a week of protest during the National...more)
Solidarity with Elsipogtog against fracking
Help build solidarity for the indigenous-led resistance to fracking
Solidarity actions have erupted in support of the Mi'kmaq people who are leading opposition to fracking in New Brunswick. There...more)
Support "Workers Solidarity" against a neonazi-inspired court case
Greek fascists are suing socialist journalists for exposing them
Three members of the greek Socialist Workers Party (SEK) are to appear in court on 12 December 2013 accused of...more)
The treaty process and Canada’s ongoing forced assimilation
Canadian colonialism continues through treaties that deny self-determination
As a former student of the Indian Residential School (IRS) system, my statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of...more)
The US shutdown and the contradictions of US imperialism
The retreat from war on Syria and shutdown over spiralling debt reveal weaknesses in US imperialism
Right-wing Republican lawmakers in Washington—many with private wealth and with armies of health consultants at their personal disposal—have made it...more)
Sudan: the silent storm
Another wave of anti-austerity protests is sweeping Sudan
This fall marks another phase of anti-austerity revolts in Sudan. People have been marching all over the country, despite police...more)
Mass campaign frees Tarek and John
The release of Tarek and John is a victory for the causes they represent and the mass campaign that supported them
The release of John Greyson and Tarek Loubani is a tremendous victory for the thousands of people who pressured the...more)
End of the Orange Wave?
Despite electoral defeats, the NDP can reconnect to the Orange Wave if it reconnects to movements
Six months ago, federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair told delegates at the party’s national convention: “In Nova Scotia, Manitoba—and coming...more)
PowerShift builds climate justice movement
A thousand youth joined the climate justice conference
A thousand youth participated in the PowerShift conference in Victoria, on Coast Salish territories, as part of the growing movement...more)
No more stolen sisters
We need a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women, and an end to colonialism and sexism
Every year communities across Canada gather on October 4 to remember and honour missing and murdered indigenous women. In Toronto,...more)
Protests force Greek government to turn on fascist Golden Dawn
Anti-fascist protests and strikes are pushing back the fascist threat
The Greek coalition government was forced into a spectacular U-turn last week over the Nazi Golden Dawn party. After 15...more)
Science against Harper
On September 16 people rallied across the country against Harper's attack on science
On September 16, in 18 cities across Canada, the biggest protest in defense of independent science in Canadian history took...more)
Women's rights under attack from School District policy
Not wanting to cover maternity leave, a Victoria school board is denying women teaching contracts
In 2011, the Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association filed a grievance because five women who had contracts with the School Board...more)
Marx: the radical ecologist
Marxism has important contributions to make to the environmental justice movement and to combatting climate chaos today.
There is a growing consciousness among ordinary people that the world we are creating/destroying will not sustain animal, plant or...more)
Fifty years after Martin Luther King’s dream
King's dream is carrying by ongoing movements against racism, war and capitalism
In August 1963, in a speech that has gone down as a watershed moment in history, Martin Luther King stood...more)
Tell Harper: demand the release of Tarek and John
Despite Harper's silent complicity, there's a growing campaing demanding the release of Tarek and John
For more than a month, the Egyptian military regime has incarcerated Canadian emergency physician Tarek Loubani and filmmaker John Greyson...more)
Bahrain: fearless resistance
United protests contradict the common analysis by Western governments that the rebellion in Bahrain is "sectarian" in nature.
Hundreds of thousands of peaceful pro-democracy protestors marched on Friday, September 27 in the largest protest in months in Bahrain...more)
Labour leadership supports BC Premier's disastrous natural gas plan
We need to build a partnership between the labour and environmental movements, not the Liberals
It feels like the dawning of a new era in British Columbia, and not an era that bodes well for...more)
War resister begins fourth year in sanctuary
Iraq War resister Rodney Watson has been in sanctuary at a church in Vancouver the past four years.
On September 18, Rodney Watson started his fourth year living at First United Church in Vancouver without ever leaving the...more)
How do we stop war on Syria?
The British anti-war movement stopped their government from going to war in Syria, and we need the same mass movement approach
The anti-war movement in Canada and around the world dealt a blow to the interests of US imperialism by, at...more)
Detroit: lights out for capitalism
Detroit capitalists are trying to punish the 99%, but there's a proud history of resistance that can fight back.
I love Detroit. Growing up in London, Ontario, equidistant from Detroit and Toronto, there was no contest. Neighbourhood bars where...more)
Israel continues to demolish Bedouin homes
Israel wants to displace a further 30,000 Bedouins, demolishing their villages.
Israel has been demolishing the residential structures and livestock shelters of Arab Bedouins . The state has continuously been discriminating...more)
Stop Line 9, stop the Tar Sands
Movements against the Northern Gateway and Keystone XL pipelines show the unity needed to stop Line 9.
Without an environmental assessment, oil giant Enbridge wants to use a 38-year-old pipeline to pump toxic tar sands through the...more)
Plaza Hotel workers fight back and win
Plaza Hotel workers gain confidence after beating back their boss' concessions contract.
A small strike at the Plaza Hotel in Toronto was recently settled, beating back significant concessions. Thirty-five members of the...more)


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