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What is the international community doing for Syrian refugees?
The West undermined the Syrian revolution, creating a humanitarian crisis, and is refusing to support refugees
It has been over three years now since the popular revolution in Syria was sparked by the Arab Spring. What...
"My pen is my weapon": interview with Bahraini journalist
Despite being tortured, Ahmed Radhi continues to expose the Western-backed regime in Bahrain
Ahmed Ismael, 22-years old, was a citizen journalist from Salmabad village in Bahrain. His task as a revolutionary was to...
Videos: realizing women's right to health
Harper held a summit to pretend he cared about maternal health. Watch these videos to hear the truth
On May 28, 2014, on the eve of the Muskoka Summit, Canadian politicians and activists discuss the future of the...
Leaked letter reveals deep anger with right-wing NDP platform
The NDP's right-wing platform is no excuse to vote for the Bay Street Liberals
A leaked letter to Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath by 34 prominent NDP members—including Michele Landsberg, Judy Rebick, Winnie Ng,...
Review: From Demonized to Organized: Building the New Union Movement
Activist Nora Loreto provides a practical guide to action with an understanding of what holds young people back from unions.
All they taught you at school… Was how to be a good worker The system has failed you, don’t fail...
The truth about 'small buiness' and the minimum wage
It's large business that dominates the economy and profits from poverty wages
Tomorrow the minimum wage in Ontario is going up to $11/hr, thanks to pressure from a grassroots campaign, but that...
Pro-choice picket exposes Tory maternal health plan
47,000 women die each year from unsafe abortion, but Harper's maternal health plan denies safe abortion
The Conservative government's Maternal Health summit was met by a picket organized by the Ontario Coalition for Abortion Clinics, denouncing...
Fight against fascist Front National begins with protests across France
THe French fascist party won 25 per cent of the vote, but resistance has begun
Around 10,000 people, mainly youth, have marched against the Front National (FN) in France today, Thursday. The demonstrations were called...
Supreme injustice as court upholds secret trials
The Supreme Court has upheld secret trials, threatening Mohamed Harkat with deportation to torture
In a travesty of justice emanating from the so-called “war on terror,” on May 14 the Supreme Court of Canada...
Videos: May 10 rally against Line 9
1,400 people marched against Line 9. Here are links to videos of the speeches
May 10 was a coast to coast day to defend our climate, which in Toronto focused on opposing Line 9...
Voters put pressure on rulers in Greece
The electoral gains for the left reflect years of workers' struggle
The future of the Greek government is in question after the elections. The polls showed a swing to the left...
Demonstrators in Bangkok resist coup by the military in Thailand
The coup sparked mass protests, but they need to connec to working class resistance
General Prayuth Chan-ocha officially took power in Thailand on Thursday of last week – and mass protests simultaneously erupted. They...
Saudi Arabia: two activists sentenced to death
The West arms and supports a regime that crucifies activists
A Saudi court sentenced two young activists, Reda AlRubh and Ali AlNemer, to death. The prosecutor demanded sentencing tens of...
Victory to the Teachers!
This week the BC Teachers Federation (BCTF) is launching one-day rotating strikes . It is vitally important that the teachers...
Video: thousands march against Monsanto
Say No to GMO
May 24 was a global day of action against Monsanto, with marches around the world. In Toronto thousands marched against...
The ABCs of the BC Teachers' fight
The frustrations of the day-to-day life in the classroom need to translate into teachers insisting that their union continue to take action
Teachers in British Columbia will be on the picket lines beginning next Monday May 26 after 16 months of failed...
Racism and resistance: the history of the Komagata Maru
The Komagata Maru shows the racism of the Canadian state but also the potential for resistance and solidarity
Today is the 100th anniversary of the Komagata Maru’s arrival in Vancouver, which sparked a challenge to anti-migrant racism in...
Ukraine: no to intervention
Harper is joining NATO's inter-imperial rivalry with Russia
The situation in Ukraine is getting more complicated as opposed imperialist powers on each side of the eastern European nation...
Should the left still vote for the ONDP?
the left should base its strategy – including how to vote – on what will strengthen the labour and social movements beyond the election
Two weeks into the provincial election, anger continues to build at the Ontario New Democratic Party (ONDP). With each passing...
Harris to Hudak: back to the future?
We need to vote for the only party connected to the labour movement, and build the struggle to stop Hudak
Listening to Ontario Conservative leader Tim Hudak promise to decimate public sector jobs and services brings to mind an earlier...
UP! Raising minimum wage and defeating Hudak's anti-union agenda
The $14 minimum wage campaign offers a unique opportunity for union and non-union workers to come together
On Wednesday, May 14, Ontario's Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage used the provincial election to re-assert the demand for...
Anger after Egyptian court jails leading revolutionary socialist Mahienour El-Massry
After attacking the Muslim Brotherhood, the military regime is focusing on the left and revolutionaries
A court in Alexandria has jailed leading Revolutionary Socialist Mahienour el-Massry for two years and fined her over £4,000. She...
After the Turkey mine disaster: the Prime Minister must go
This was not an accident, but mass murder
Murder was committed in Soma by the government and the bosses. This was not an accident, but mass murder, committed...
Capitalism's bad sports
Racism in sports reflects the racism capitalism depends on to divide and rule
Well, we can sleep better tonight. The mega-profits of professional major league sports have been defended. Donald Sterling, billionaire owner...
Review: The Winter We Danced
This new book documents the inspiring first year of Idle No More
Manitoba’s Kino-nda-niimi Collective has created an invaluable resource with the recently-published book, The Winter We Danced (ARP books, Winnipeg). This...
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