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French election
After Sarkosy, build the movement against austerity and racism
John Mullen from Paris analyzes the election. Resistance to austerity has defeated Sarkosy, but needs to continue to challenge racism and austerity.more
Freedom Train builds campaign against Tar Sands
Freedom train arrives in Toronto
On May 9, the Yinka Dene Alliance of indigenous groups completed a cross-country Freedom Train by leading hundreds through the...more
Harper slashes Aboriginal health agencies
Harper is bad for our health
“Residential schools effectively separated aboriginal children from the influence of everything that could sustain, perpetuate and define them. When you...more
Egypt: bloodshed countering the revolution
Revolution vs counter-revolution
While at least 11 people were killed in Abbassia during clashes at a protest in front of the Ministry of...more
May Day across Canada and Quebec
Reports from across the country
Activists from half a dozen cities across Canada and Quebec provide reports from May Day events, which have been reinvigorated by the Occupy movement and the Quebec springmore
Blitz an ambassador for political hip hop
Back to the political roots of hip hop
Blitz gives us a look back at the political roots of hip-hop and Africa’s long colonial history. We should encourage artists who are asking the tough questions and looking back to history as we search for art and politics that make the demand: people before profits.more
Peace, Respect and Friendship on Parade
Solidarity with First Nations
On April 28, approximately 800 people took part in a march for “Peace, Respect and Friendship” in solidarity with the...more
Teachers vs. austerity
Time for the 1% to get schooled
From BC to Ontario, teachers are in the cross-hairs of the austerity agenda, but are starting to fight back. In...more
OPSEU solidarity group shows importance of rank-and-file organizing
Rank-and-file organizing
A new rank-and-file body, OPSEU Solidarity group, was organized to call for OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union) to remain...more
Satisfying Hunger Games
See this film
By making the Hunger Games books the first real post-Potter phenomenon this audience proves it knows substance when it reads it.more


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