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Comintern Fourth Congress: revisiting the "woman question"
women's liberation: looking back, moving forward
The Communist International, or Comintern, gathered in annual delegated congresses in the years following the Russian Revolution to discuss next...more
BC teachers still standing strong
the struggle for education continues
On May 17th, British Columbia Teachers’ Federation president Susan Lambert wrote an open letter inviting all BC principals and vice-principals...more
NATO summit protest in Toronto
Coinciding with other solidarity protests around the world, peace activists in Toronto came out to rally and protest against the...more
Solidarity against Quebec’s anti-protest bludgeon law
Solidarity against Bill 78
The Quebec government has announced a “special law” to crack down on student protests—a law so draconian it is almost difficult to believe. But students and workers in Quebec are standing strong.more
Syria: revolution is the only peace plan
what's the path to peace in Syria
As the UN “peace plan” falls apart in Syria and imperial powers battle for control, the future of Syria depends...more
Iran and the Axis of Hypocrisy
Who's the real threat in the Middle East?
In 2002 the anti-war movement won the NDP to a principled position against war on Iraq, split the ruling Liberals and stopped Canada from joining the Iraq War. We now need to demand the NDP oppose both war and sanctions on Iran (NDP leader Thomas Mulcair does not support war but does support sanctions), and through Parliament and the streets stop Harper from providing any military or political support for sanctions and war on Iran.more
Fighting women’s oppression
How do we end women's oppression?
In the face of these attempts by the 1% to push the burden of the crisis onto the 99%, a united movement of women and men, gay and straight, black and white can deal a blow to exploitation and oppression, and point to an alternative—a world run for human need, not profit.more
Building unity between workers in Quebec and English Canada
How do translate solidarity from a slogan into an act?
The ongoing lock out of 800 Steelworkers at Rio Tinto in Alma, Quebec is another opportunity to put solidarity into action. This type of worker-to-worker support for fights against the austerity agenda whether in the public or private sector are the best way to build the unity of the working classes in Quebec and English Canada.more
Movement grows against anti-choice motion
Say no to Motion 312, build the pro-choice movement
On April 26, an anti-abortion motion by Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth’s had one hour of debate in Parliament. A second...more
Be a socialist
Be a socialist, join the socialists
John Bell takes a walk down memory lane to review what drew him to socialist politics and organization.more


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