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Mass Protests Erupt In Saudi Arabia
An uprising in the belly of the counter-revolutionary beast
The Western-backed regime of Saudi Arabia has been a key counter-revolutionary force against the Arab Spring, but is encountering protests...more
Workers Push Back Rio Tinto
A victory for rank-and-file mobilizing and solidarity
On Thursday, July 5, workers at Rio Tinto Alcan (RTA) in Alma, Quebec signed a new collective agreement after six...more
Security Certificates Struggle Continues Into Second Decade
The struggle continues
Mohamed Harkat and Mohammad Mahjoub continue their fight against Islamophobic secret trials.more
Lincoln As Vampire Hunter Proves More Realistic Than Harper
The undead are better than Harper
You'll learn more about 19th century North American history from it than you will from Stephen Harper's jingoist campaign to promote the two hundredth anniversary of the War of 1812.more
Anti-Choice Caravan Fails
"Women's rights are here to stay, We're never going back!"
An attempt by anti-choice activists to galvanize opposition to abortion has failed miserably. On May 29, the so-called ‘New Abortion...more
Oil Spills Spread Devastation Across Alberta
Oil kills, pipelines spill
Oil pipelines aren’t safe. The three pipeline spills in Alberta are just the most recent in a long list of...more
Pride Is Political
Remember the past, fight for the future
With the re-politicization of the queer community in recent years, many people are radicalizing with ideas far beyond the scope of legal or social reforms and instead are looking toward ending their oppression altogether and creating a world of true liberation.more
Bill C-31: A Danger To Queer Refugees
Stop C-31
Queer refugees already face homophobia and transphobia in the refugee claim process, and if Bill C-31 passes through the Senate,...more
Reading The Comintern Fourth Congress
Towards the United Front
Toward the United Front is not an ABC guide or “how to” book for socialists. It is not a textbook, to be quoted as if it could apply mechanistically to present day conditions. But it is a profoundly interesting history book. It is rich in lessons of the challenging conditions of the time and some of the efforts to build a new world of freedom.more
Iran 2009
Rekindling the hopes of 1979
Real solidarity needs to operate on two fronts: against threats from the US and Israel to bomb Iran, and in solidarity with the social movements which are taking shape, in very difficult circumstances, to fight for democracy.more


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