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The politics of sex-selective abortion: there shouldn't be any
If a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy because she doesn't want a boy or doesn't want a girl, that is not our business.
Hard on the heels of the defeat of Motion 312 - on the mind-bending spectacle of the Minister of the...more
New chapter in the Quebec struggle
On August 1, two new chapters began in the incredible saga of Quebec’s Red Square movement: an historic election campaign,...more
War of 1812: myth and reality
We know that Tory cabinet minister Peter MacKay skipped math class in school, since his figures on G20 spending never...more
Resisting Kenney’s cuts to refugee health
I believe that this tactic of trying to intimidate an immigration critic into silence, by trying to get him sanctioned professionally, is an abuse of [Mr. Kenney’s] office
“I believe that this tactic of trying to intimidate an immigration critic into silence, by trying to get him sanctioned...more
More Islamophobia in France
A high profile incident of Islamophobia involving a town hall on the outskirts of Paris shows that within a culture...more
Sudan: anti-austerity protests
Since June 2012 streets of Sudan have been packed with upset masses of people protesting against austerity, corrupt government and unjust laws.
Since June 2012 streets of Sudan have been packed with upset masses of people protesting against austerity, corrupt government and...more
Alternatives to austerity in the Eurozone
Crisis in the Eurozone By Costas Lapavitsas et al. As the credit crisis that started in 2007 continues to unfold,...more
34 South African miners shot down by police in cold blood
The world was shocked by TV images last week of striking South African miners being mowed down by police gunfire...more
It’s time to march and roll on the streets of Toronto
On September 22nd, 2012 the disability community will once again be making their voices heard on the streets of Toronto.
On September 22nd, 2012 the disability community will once again be making their voices heard on the streets of Toronto...more
The real story of the Iran-Iraq war, 1980-1988
A terrible war convulsed Iran and Iraq from September 22 1980 until August 20 1988. In that war, around a...more


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