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Resistance in Bahrain: worker’s struggles
Workers are at the heart of the revolt in Bahrain
Workers, and other protestors who have been participating in the demonstrations since February 14 (even before that) are diverse. They...more
Shut down the tar sands, no matter who owns them
No matter who owns the corporations exploiting the tar sands, we need to shut them down and create green jobs.
The tar sands development in northern Alberta is an ecological nightmare , and an insult to indigenous land rights. This...more
Ontario austerity and rank-and-file resistance
Rank-and-file resistance is the key to fighting austerity
The attacks on working class people and the poor are intensifying as we witness the passage of “right to work”...more
Indigenous Women’s Resistance: From Residential Schools to Idle No More
Indigenous women have led resistance, from residential school opposition to Idle No More
Idle No More emerges from a long period of resistance in indigenous communities. One of its central features is the...more
Kenney's 'safe' country list is dangerous for refugees
No country is safe from oppression
On December 15 the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism announced a list of 27 Designated Countries of Origin (DCO)...more
Niqab ruling unfair
There should be no compromise with Islamophobia
In mid-December, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that, in some cases, women who wear niqab could be required to...more
Ten years later, Harkats more determined than ever
Stop secret trials now
On International Human Rights Day, Mohamed “Moe” Harkat and his wife Sophie “celebrated” their ten-year anniversary: it was 2002 when...more
Fracking dangerous
Fracking generates profits, and untold problems
There is a fortune of fossil fuel underfoot, wherever a layer of shale rock forms part of the bedrock. All...more
Arab Spring 2013: the struggle against imperialism continues
Let's all make New Year's revolutions
Economic and political interests drive Western governments’ actions. According to the US Department of State : ”Saudi Arabia is one...more
Northern Gateway pipeline awaits its fate
Rally to stop the pipeline in Victoria, BC.
In 2012 the opposition to the Northern Gateway oil pipeline project got bigger and bigger
Last year was a beautiful year of organizing against the Northern Gateway oil pipeline project. The proposed $6-billion pipeline will...more


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