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BC to expand coal exports
Loading Coal at Neptune Terminal
Doubling of coal exports approved for North Vancouver terminal
The first of two controversial coal port expansion projects in BC was unilaterally approved this week by Port Metro Vancouver...more
Here's a way to make the Tar Sands even more destructive
Nuclear power plants in the Tar Sands are a really bad idea.
Reminiscent of the long-forgotten, but aptly named, Project Cauldron – using underground nuclear explosions in the Alberta tar sands to...more
Yemen: US drones vs democracy
Drones are part of US counter-revolution in Yemen
"A decade of war is now ending," proclaimed President Obama in his second inaugural address. Those words seem awkward with...more
Solidarity against Morsi's attack on Egyptians
Egyptian socialists respond to the state's latest attack
Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt) , translated by Socialist Worker (US) , in response to the Egyptian state's attack...more
Celebrating and continuing the struggle for reproductive justice
Reproductive justice activists celebrate the overturning of Canada's abortion law on the 25th anniversary of the Morgentaler decision.
With snow-covered streets on a rainy winter Monday evening in downtown Toronto, a few hundred people filled-to-overflowing the seats of...more
The Tar Sands are dumping cancer-causing pollution in lakes
New report shows even more pollution from the Tar Sands
The Tar sands are polluting lakes as far as 90 km away from mining sites. A joint study published by...more
The NDP and the fight against Harper
Why isn't Mulcair fighting Harper, and what can we do about it?
Stephen Harper comes from the Reform party, a party based on anti-Quebec and anti-Native bigotry. To the Tories’ dismay, the...more
How we won abortion rights
Hear a first hand account of the fight for reproductive justice
Today is the 25th anniversary of the Morgentaler decision that struck down the law against abortion. Join the celebration tonight...more
Video of Jan. 26 OFL rally against Liberal Convention
Tens of thousands marched against austerity. Watch it here!
This is footage of the rally organized by the OFL (Ontario Federation of Labour) against the ugly Austerity Cuts implemented...more
Interview with a striking Porter Airlines worker interviews a striking Porter Airlines worker on the fight for better working conditions and pay.
The 22 workers who fuel, service and clean the aircraft for Porter Airlines at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport are...more


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