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Libya: strike at the main oil refinery
Second oil workers strike in two years
Workers at Libya's 220,000 barrels per day Ras Lanuf refinery have ended their strike at the end of January. Protests...more
The struggle against Israeli Apartheid at York University
A look at the BDS campaign and York and the growing movement against Israeli Apartheid
For decades, Palestinians have been denied their fundamental rights to freedom, equality, and self-determination by the State of Israel. Despite...more
Dear Ontario politicians, people with disabilities are not election pawns
Let's fight for real change for all people with disabilities regardless of income
Another election is on the horizon, and once again social assistance recipients find themselves the test subjects in an experiment...more
Budget cuts threaten to leave social assistance recipients in the cold
Liberals cut taxes, then homes
The CSUMB was a special fund available from the provincial government to help people on social assistance deal with unexpected or emergency housing costs, until it was cut on January 1, 2013. Activists are fighting back, find out how.more
It takes guts to write a book like this
My Leaky Body, by Julie Devaney
My Leaky Body is hard to put down, visceral, funny, and a very political book.
I loved this book. This is Julie's story of her discovery of her chronic disease and the ensuing battles with...more
People's social forum planning begins
The social forum comes to Turtle Island
Reports are already circulating about the meeting that took place in Ottawa on January 26 and 27 to plan a...more
Reform Party racism and the rise of Stephen Harper
Harper's rise was based on pitting indigenous peoples against Quebeckers
The Idle No More movement has shone a spotlight on the real history of Canadian colonialism. Harper’s denial of that...more
Syrian revolution continues to face external and internal threats
The violence in Syria is escalating as the uprising marks the end of its second year with more than 60,000...more
Mali, Canada and the 'new scramble for Africa'
We need homes for Attawapiskat, not bombs for Mali
Paul Stevenson asks why Harper can spend millions sending troops to Mali, but can't find resources to alleviate poverty in Attawapiskat.more
Jordan: the king's elections can't contain the Arab Spring
Elections haven't changed austerity, repression or imperialism, so the struggle continues
King Abdullah II, Jordan’s ruling monarch, has heralded the January 23 parliamentary elections as a turning point in the so-called...more


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