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Palestine: solidarity with Samer Issawi and political prisoners
April 17 was Palestinian Prisoners’ Day
On April 17, protests were held in several locations across the West Bank and Gaza to mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day,...more
US imperialism, not North Korea, is the biggest threat
For the people of North Korea to get rid of their dictator, we need to stop Western imperialism
US threats against North Korea are whipping up racism, providing a cover for US imperialism, and making it more difficult...more
Earth Day against Harper's terre-orism
On April 22, there were 50,000 people in Montreal for Earth Day. Earth Day began in 1970 as radicalization against...more
Revolution puts the environmental movement on screen
Revolution Movie Poster
This film will encourage you to participate in the climate justice movement and the debates within it.
The movie Revolution includes beautiful nature scenes, climate justice rallies, and interviews with activists. It shows the diversity of the...more
Resisting Harper's attacks on choice
All attempts to limit abortion rights must be met with swift and loud protest
On a cold, wet April morning, pro-choice activists from Mississauga and Toronto turned out with signs and banners to stand...more
Anti-choice motion defeated
The pro-choice majority outside Parliament exposed and defeated Motion 408 inside Parliament
Since Harper’s first day as Prime Minister he has discriminated against women—from canceling the national childcare program , denying pay...more
Tragedy in Boston, Kabul and Neskantaga
Let's extend the solidarity with Boston across every border
On Monday April 15, a series of bombs exploded in an area where spectators were watching the final yards of...more
Justice at Just Us! Co-operatives, unions and labour rights
Just Us coffee co-op fires workers for union
On March 27, two workers were fired from a local Halifax café. They were actively trying to organize a union...more
"Unpaid internships": unpaid labour
Late stage capitalism, squeezing us all
The New York Times confirms that increasing numbers of desperate university graduates are accepting unpaid work, in the hopes of...more
Mississauga rallies for choice
Stop the criminalization of choice
In January 2013, Canadian MP Wladyslaw Lizon, along with two other Conservative MPs, asked the RCMP to investigate all late-term...more


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